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為提升本系研究風氣,培養本系同學研究興趣,於每周一上午 10:10 至 11:40 舉辦以經濟為主題的「專題討論」,除本系師長及學生積極參與外,更邀請國內外學者參與論文發表與討論。時間:上午 10:10 至 11:40地點:三峽校區社科大樓社 1F103 教室

2024-04-29李叢禎臺北大學經濟學系綠色技術進步軌跡與 2050淨零轉型人力、資源與環境經濟鄭仲棠
2024-04-15樊家忠臺灣大學經濟學系Sibling spillovers on flagship university admission by gender人力、資源與環境經濟郭文忠
2024-04-01陳妍蒨臺北大學經濟學系How does gender quota shape gender attitudes?人力、資源與環境經濟鄭仲棠
2024-03-25張庭源中研院經濟所Capital Deepening, Technology Choice, and Labor Share Dynamics經濟發展與成長王胤琪
2024-03-18劉曦敏臺北大學經濟學系Optimal Investments of Port Authorities Facing Ambiguity on Uncertain Market Demands經濟理論與方法林茂廷
2024-03-11王健合臺北大學經濟學系Monotonic Regression: Another Way to Decompose Business Cycles經濟理論與方法林茂廷
2024-03-04王宜甲臺北大學經濟學系Dynamic R&D Workforce and Technology Penetration in Negating Scale Effects: A Modified Semi-Endogenous Growth Model經濟發展與成長王胤琪
2024-02-26陳俊廷臺北大學經濟學系Cross Invariance, the Shapley Value, and the Shapley-Shubik Power Index產業與公共經濟陳俊廷
2023-12-18姜寄南美國爵碩(Drexel)大學Asset returns and inflation: Evidence from global markets金融劉曦敏
2023-12-11林茂廷臺北大學經濟學系Realtime Price Index of Dinning on Foodpanda經濟理論與方法林茂廷
2023-12-04連賢明政治大學財政學系Climate Change, Extreme Heat, and Child Abuse產業與公共經濟陳俊廷
2023-11-27劉玉皙世新大學傳播管理學系In the Name of Mazu: The Use of Religion by China to Intervene in Taiwanese Elections經濟理論與方法林茂廷
2023-11-13翁明宏成功大學經濟學系fMRI Hyperscanning Experiments in Economic Interaction產業與公共經濟陳俊廷
2023-11-06楊奕祐真理大學經濟學系Firm-quasi-stability and re-equilibration in matching markets with contracts產業與公共經濟陳俊廷
2023-10-23李翎帆清華大學經濟學系The Impact of the Great Debasement on English Cloth Exports: Evidence from Gresham’s Daybook人力、資源與環境經濟鄭仲棠
2023-10-16官德星臺北大學經濟學系The Substitution Structure of Production經濟發展與成長官德星
2023-10-02黃釋緯台灣經濟研究院Energy Security Performance Evaluation Revisited: from the Perspective of the Energy Supply Chain人力、資源與環境經濟鄭仲棠
2023-09-25Hwee-Kwan Chow新加坡管理大學經濟學院Economic forecasting in a pandemic: some evidence from Singapore經濟發展與成長官德星
2023-09-18劉德芝臺北大學經濟學系Business Confidence Indicator in European Union人力、資源與環境經濟鄭仲棠
2023-05-29郭文忠國立臺北大學經濟學系COVID-19, Bank Risk, and Capital Regulation: The Aggregate Shock and Social Distancing金融郭文忠
2023-05-22官德星國立臺北大學經濟學系Adam Smith at Three Hundred經濟發展與成長官德星
2023-05-08胡偉民國立政治大學財政學系Merger Simulation based on Survey–Generated Diversion Ratios經濟理論與方法陳俊志
2023-04-17鄭仲棠國立臺北大學經濟學系Weather and Income in India and Taiwan, 1900-1939人力、資源與環境經濟汪澤民
2023-03-27蘇芃竹國立臺北大學經濟學系Ideological Screening with Content Provision產業與公共經濟謝修
2023-03-20汪澤民國立臺北大學經濟學系Volunteering under Ambiguity: A Volunteer's Dilemma Experiment人力、資源與環境經濟汪澤民
2023-03-06張庭源中央研究院經濟所Human Capital and Structural Transformation人力、資源與環境經濟汪澤民
2023-01-09黃盈甄國立聯合大學財務金融學系The Impact of Limits of Arbitrage on Takeover金融郭文忠
2022-12-12蔡璧涵國立清華大學經濟學系Tax Rates and Compliance Shifting across Taxes in China產業與公共經濟謝 修
2022-12-05溫偉任國立政治大學國際經營與貿易學系Optimal Royalty Licensing Policy in Successive Cournot Oligopolies with Complementary Inputs產業與公共經濟謝 修
2022-11-28陳 儀國立臺灣大學經濟學系Mind-Reading Ability Predicts Sales Performance: Evidence from Financial Consultants經濟理論與方法陳俊志
2022-11-21紀鈞哲中央研究院經濟所Lender Concentration and Sudden Stops人力、資源與環境經濟汪澤民
2022-11-14盧佳慧國立臺北大學經濟學系Infectious disease, economic growth, and related government policy經濟發展與成長盧佳慧
2022-11-07王胤琪國立臺北大學經濟學系Rural-urban Migration and Informality經濟發展與成長盧佳慧
2022-10-24殷壽鏞國立臺北大學經濟學系Inference on Three-Pass Regression Filter with High-Dimensional Target Variables經濟理論與方法陳俊志
2022-10-17陳文豪國立臺北大學經濟學系The Role of Firms in Wage Inequality trends: A Cross National Analysis人力、資源與環境經濟汪澤民
2022-10-03陳旭昇國立臺灣大學經濟學系Monetary Policy and Housing Market Cycles經濟發展與成長盧佳慧
2022-09-26田維華國立成功大學經濟學系Health Insurance Status and Anxiety or Depressive Symptoms during the COVID-19 Pandemic among US Adults經濟理論與方法陳俊志
2022-09-19區俊傑國立成功大學經濟學系Municipal water filtration development and childrens human capital investment人力、資源與環境經濟汪澤民
2022-06-20林茂廷 (遠距)國立臺北大學經濟學系資料視覺化與Web App開發經濟理論與方法陳孝琪
2022-06-13林筱甄 (遠距)國防大學戰略與國際事務研究所Taiwan-India Economic Relations under Indo-Pacific Strategy產業與公共經濟蘇芃竹
2022-05-30湯蕙瑄 (遠距)國立臺北大學經濟學系Parental Subjective Well-Being Around First Birth and Further Parity: A Revisit人力、資源與環境經濟陳文豪
2022-05-23王健合 (遠距)國立臺北大學經濟學系Threshold models in time series: Basic concepts and new results經濟理論與方法陳孝琪
2022-05-16陳嘉雯 (遠距)中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心Estimating the Effect of Winning Demand Response Auctions on Firms Electricity Consumption產業與公共經濟蘇芃竹
2022-05-09官德星 (遠距)國立臺北大學經濟學系The Quality Theory of Money經濟發展與成長盧佳慧
2022-05-02許育進中央研究院經濟所Introduction to Treatment Effect Models經濟發展與成長盧佳慧
2022-04-25陳姵樺國立臺北大學經濟學系博士生Revisiting the U-Shaped Curve of Firm Scale and Efficiency: Controlling the Role of Family Business人力、資源與環境經濟(產業與公共經濟)陳文豪
2022-03-28劉曦敏國立臺北大學經濟學系FinTech Lending and Cashless Payments (A Paper from 2022 AFA Annual Meeting)金融劉曦敏
2022-03-14盧佳慧國立臺北大學經濟學系The impact of artificial intelligence in an aging society經濟發展與成長盧佳慧
2022-03-07方濤 (遠距)加拿大紐芬蘭紀念大學經濟學系Migrants from a Different Shore: Earnings and Economic Assimilation of Immigrants from China in the United States人力、資源與環境經濟陳文豪
2022-01-03劉曦敏國立臺北大學經濟學系Environmental efficiency of price and quantity policies經濟理論與方法陳孝琪
2021-12-27朱紀仰國立臺北大學經濟學系Does the Kyoto Protocol Have Structural Impacts on the Environmental Kuznets Curve? An Application of Varying Coefficient Model經濟理論與方法陳孝琪
2021-12-20潘振宇國立政治大學國際經營與貿易學系Stability in Matching with Externalities: Pairs Competition and Oligopolistic Joint Ventures產業與公共經濟蘇芃竹
2021-12-13陳孟瑋南京審計大學經濟與金融研究院The Benefits Incidence of Localized Equal Rights Movement to Access Urban Public Services: Evidence from Housing Market in China經濟發展與成長王宜甲
2021-12-06王惠貞國立清華大學經濟學系You are What You Eat: Patterns and Inequality in Food Consumption and Nutrient Intakes人力、資源與環境經濟陳文豪
2021-11-29劉曦敏國立臺北大學經濟學系Corporate Flexibility in a Time of Crisis(An Online Presentation in 2021 AFA Annual Meeting by John W. Barry)金融劉曦敏
2021-11-15蔡璧涵國立清華大學經濟學系Credit and Fiscal Multipliers in China: Evidence from a Political Economy Based Estimation產業與公共經濟蘇芃竹
2021-11-01蘇軒立國立臺灣大學經濟學系Income Inequality in Taiwan經濟發展與成長王宜甲
2021-10-25廖志興國立中央大學經濟學系Should the Government Subsidize Innovation or Automation?經濟發展與成長王宜甲
2021-10-18陳欽賢國立臺北大學經濟學系Postpartum Maternal Inpatient Care with Different Mode of Delivery產業與公共經濟蘇芃竹
2021-09-27劉德芝國立臺北大學經濟學系The Unemployment Invariance Hypothesis: Does the gender matter?人力、資源與環境經濟陳文豪
2021-05-10洪小文淡江大學產業經濟學系Patent Protection, Externalities, and Income Inequality經濟發展與成長王宜甲
2021-05-03蕭維政東吳大學財務工程與精算數學系Variable Selection for High-Dimensional Heteroscedastic and Interaction Models經濟理論與方法程智男
2021-04-26洪紹洋國立陽明交通大學科技與社會研究所產業政策與企業經營:1950-1970 年代臺灣汽車工業的發展產業與公共經濟簡明哲
2021-04-12冼芻蕘國立清華大學經濟學系Large portfolio frontier with conditional Value-at-Risk: the case with S&P 500 index constituents經濟理論與方法程智男
2021-03-29王胤琪國立臺北大學經濟學系To Stay or to Migrate? When Becker Meets Harris-Todaro經濟發展與成長王宜甲
2021-03-22區俊傑國立成功大學經濟學系Storms and health人力、資源與環境經濟莊雅婷
2021-03-15施琇涵東海大學經濟學系Health Economics: In Utero and Early-Life Conditions人力、資源與環境經濟莊雅婷
2021-03-08王宜甲國立臺北大學經濟學系The Role of Foreign Direct Investment in East and Southeast Asia: Evidence Before and After 2009 Global Financial Crisis經濟發展與成長王宜甲
2021-01-04楊豐安國立臺灣大學農業經濟學系The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Food Industry – Empirical Evidence Using Business Transaction Data人力、資源與環境經濟莊雅婷
2020-12-28陳淑華國立臺北大學經濟學系Progressive Taxation and Macroeconomics (In)stability under Household Heterogeneity經濟發展與成長陳淑華
2020-12-21蘇昱璇國立政治大學國家發展研究所Gender and Public Expenditure: A Regression Discontinuity Analysis of Township Mayors in Taiwan人力、資源與環境經濟莊雅婷
2020-12-14王建強國立臺灣大學經濟學系On Unsecured Credit in Pseudonymous Digital Payment Systems經濟發展與成長陳淑華
2020-12-07廖仁哲輔仁大學經濟學系Testing Impacts on Inefficiency in A Semiparametric Stochastic Frontier Model經濟理論與方法程智男
2020-11-30蘇俊華中央研究院經濟研究所Forecasting with Professional Experts by Double Weighted Averaging經濟理論與方法程智男
2020-11-23陳儀國立臺灣大學經濟學系Performance Feedback in a Group Contest: A Field Experiment on Electricity Conservation人力、資源與環境經濟莊雅婷
2020-11-02林士全淡江大學經濟學系Maximum or minimum? Strategic patterns of the lodging industry產業與公共經濟程智男
2020-10-26張瑞娟國立嘉義大學財務金融學系Do international portfolio flows impact the transition processes of exchange rate returns asymmetrically? An empirical investigation in Australia產業與公共經濟簡明哲
2020-10-19郭芳彰國立中正大學經濟學系The Impact of Sharing Economy: Evidence from Airbnb and Taiwanese Hotel Industry產業與公共經濟簡明哲
2020-10-12賴廷緯國立政治大學經濟學系Employment Protection, Division of Temporary and Permanent Labor, and Procyclicality of Labor Productivity經濟發展與成長陳淑華
2020-10-05殷壽鏞國立臺北大學經濟學系Long-term Relationship with an Unknown Lag: Economic Growth and Functional Time Series of Mortality Rate經濟理論與方法程智男
2020-09-28莊雅婷國立臺北大學經濟學系Gender Bias in Competitive Music Composition Evaluation: An Experimental Study人力、資源與環境經濟莊雅婷
2020-09-21張民忠致理科技大學財務金融系Exploring the contribution of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China on environmental innovation and societal transitions via its business model產業與公共經濟簡明哲
2020-06-15陳俊志國立臺北大學經濟學系Socioeconomic Status, Macroeconomic Condition, and Health經濟理論與方法殷壽鏞
2020-06-08程智男國立臺北大學經濟學系The sources of pricing factors underlying the cross-section of currency returns經濟理論與方法殷壽鏞
2020-06-01楊子霆中央研究院經濟研究所Effects of Prevention for COVID-19 on Healthcare Utilization: Evidence from Taiwan人力、資源與環境經濟劉德芝
2020-05-25吳斯偉臺北科技大學經營管理系The Systematic Biases in Decision-Making in the Mutual-Fund Markets: Market States and Disposition Effect產業與公共經濟陳欽賢
2020-05-11王建強國立臺灣大學經濟學系Cryptocurrency, Imperfect Information, and Fraud經濟發展與成長王胤琪
2020-05-04謝 修國立臺北大學經濟學系Third Degree Price Discrimination with Price-Quality Signaling產業與公共經濟陳欽賢
2020-04-20陳嘉雯中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心Solving Stray-Animal Problems by Economic Policies人力、資源與環境經濟劉德芝
2020-03-23劉曦敏國立臺北大學經濟學系Solving Stray-Animal Problems by Economic Policies經濟理論與方法殷壽鏞
2020-03-16盧佳慧國立臺北大學經濟學系Child Labor and Compulsory Education: The Effects of Government Education Policy on Economic Growth and Welfare經濟發展與成長王胤琪
2020-03-09林靖國立臺北大學國際企業研究所Does the Baltic Dry Index drive volatility spillovers in the commodities, currency, or stock markets?金融劉曦敏
2020-03-02田維華國立成功大學經濟學系The Relationship between Private Long-term Care Insurance Premiums, Population Structure and Public Policies in the United States產業與公共經濟陳欽賢
2019-12-30顏佑銘國立政治大學國際經營與貿易學系Applications of the FZ Loss Function: Forecasting Risk Measures and Estimating the Conditional Tail Average Treatment Effects經濟理論與方法殷壽鏞
2019-12-23謝志昇國立臺灣大學經濟學系Superstar Economists: Coauthorship Networks and Research Output經濟理論與方法殷壽鏞
2019-12-16鄭琬蓉中央研究院經濟研究所Trade Wars, Technology and Productivity經濟發展與成長王胤琪
2019-12-09蔡明宏國立中正大學經濟學系A unified framework to strategically implement the Shapley value, the egalitarian solution, and the nucleolus in the nested cost-sharing problem產業與公共經濟陳欽賢
2019-12-02張庭源中央研究院經濟研究所Schooling, Skill Demand and Differential Fertility in the Process of Structural Transformation經濟發展與成長王胤琪
2019-11-25李叢禎國立臺北大學經濟學系Tele-connecting Urban Food Consumption to Land Use at Multiple Spatial Scales: A Case Study of Beef in Taiwan人力、資源與環境經濟劉德芝
2019-11-18王健合國立臺北大學經濟學系Correlation Robust Threshold Unit Root Tests經濟理論與方法殷壽鏞
2019-11-11李怡庭國立臺灣大學經濟學系Optimal Banking Regulation with Endogenous Liquidity Provision經濟發展與成長王胤琪
2019-10-28王譯賢中國文化大學財務金融學系How Does Patent Litigation Influence Dynamic Risk for Market Competitors?人力、資源與環境經濟劉德芝
2019-10-21山本庸平日本一橋大學經濟系Testing jointly for structural changes in the error variance and coefficients of a linear regression model經濟理論與方法殷壽鏞
2019-10-14陳宜廷中央研究院經濟研究所A Distributional Synthetic Control Method for Policy Evaluation經濟理論與方法殷壽鏞
2019-10-07洪小文淡江大學產業經濟學系Tax Evasion and Income Inequality產業與公共經濟陳欽賢
2019-09-23孫嘉宏東吳大學經濟學系Timing of adopting a flexible manufacturing system and product differentiation產業與公共經濟陳欽賢
2019-09-16劉德芝國立臺北大學經濟學系Systematic Variations in Exchange Rate Returns人力、資源與環境經濟劉德芝
2019-06-10殷壽鏞國立臺北大學經濟學系Model Averaging for Heterogeneous Dynamic Panel Regressions with Weakly Exogenous Regressors and a Multifactor Error Structure經濟理論與方法朱紀仰
2019-06-03王平美國聖路易華盛頓大學經濟學系Mismatch and Assimilation經濟發展與成長陳淑華
2019-05-27廖仁哲中央研究院經濟研究所GMM Long-Run Variance Estimation via VAR Averaging經濟理論與方法朱紀仰
2019-05-20邱詩詠東吳大學經濟學系An Empirical Study on Institutional Research (IR) : Does Cash Reward Really Enhance Teaching Evaluation?人力、資源與環境經濟湯蕙瑄
2019-05-13何柏欣國立中央大學財務金融學系CEO Overconfidence and Bondholder Wealth Effects: Evidence from Mergers and Acquisitions金融劉曦敏
2019-05-06孔令傑國立臺灣大學資訊管理學系Certificate or Subscription? The Optimal Pricing Strategy of Massive Open Online Courses產業與公共經濟邱敬淵
2019-04-22宋曉軍中國北京大學商務統計與經濟計量系Nonparametric Trending Regression: Estimation and Testing經濟理論與方法朱紀仰
2019-04-01黃美綺國立臺北大學企業管理學系A regime-switching augmented housing asset pricing model: Evidence from the U.S. state-level housing markets經濟理論與方法朱紀仰
2019-03-25黃德源中國上海財經大學公司金融系Optimal Short-Termism產業與公共經濟邱敬淵
2019-03-18賴宗志逢甲大學經濟學系Estimation and Inference for Distribution Functions and Quantile Functions in Endogenous Treatment Effect Models經濟理論與方法朱紀仰
2019-03-04陳淑華國立臺北大學經濟學系Currency Substitution as an Automatic Stabilizer經濟發展與成長陳淑華
2019-02-25Eunhee Kim香港城市大學會計系The Market for Reputation: Repeated Matching and Career Concerns產業與公共經濟邱敬淵
2018-12-24官德星國立臺北大學經濟學系Economic Development and the Substitution Structure of Production經濟發展與成長官德星
2018-12-17黃柏鈞國立政治大學經濟系合成控制法(Synthetic Control Method) 簡介人力、資源與環境經濟湯蕙瑄
2018-12-10王胤琪國立臺北大學經濟學系National Health Insurance and Physician Allocation: The Case of Taiwan人力、資源與環境經濟湯蕙瑄
2018-11-26金善鐸國立臺灣大學經濟學系Public Good Bargaining under Mandatory and Discretionary Rules: Experimental Evidence產業與公共經濟邱敬淵
2018-11-19賴廷緯國立政治大學經濟學系Directed Technical Change, Technology Spillovers, and Asset Pricing經濟發展與成長官德星
2018-11-12楊睿中國立清華大學經濟學系Double / Debiased Machine Learning with Gradient Boosting for Treatment Effect經濟理論與方法朱紀仰
2018-10-22鄭浩祥國立中央大學經濟學系Legal Environment and Contractual Choice產業與公共經濟邱敬淵
2018-10-15簡文政世新大學經濟學系Pecuniary Incentive in Tournaments and Effects of Players’ Heterogeneity on Efforts in the Association of Tennis Professionals人力、資源與環境經濟湯蕙瑄
2018-10-08劉崇堅國立臺北大學經濟學系The Combination of Two Tragedies: Commons and Anticommons Tragedies產業與公共經濟邱敬淵
2018-09-17朱紀仰國立臺北大學經濟學系Nonparametric Quantile Regression for Double Censored Data with Application to Stock Markets with Price Limits經濟理論與方法朱紀仰
2018-05-28官德星國立臺北大學經濟學系The Quality Theory of Money經濟發展與成長官德星
2018-05-21簡明哲國立臺北大學經濟學系投資人情緒與IPO 股價報酬之關聯性分析產業與公共經濟謝修
2018-05-14梁立霖國立中山大學企業管理學系Cyclicality: Effects of recessions on government health expenditure and on population health/Impact of an integrated care programme for multimorbid patients: lessons from Taiwans Family Doctor Plan經濟發展與成長方振瑞
2018-05-07黃景沂國立臺灣大學經濟學系Spatial Competition of the Bank Branch Networks in Taiwan產業與公共經濟謝修
2018-04-30陳樂昱中央研究院經濟研究所Best Subset Binary Prediction經濟理論與方法王健合
2018-04-23詹昀姍國立臺北大學財政學系Sanction Changes and Drunk-Driving Casualties in Taiwan人力、資源與環境經濟魏國棟
2018-04-09黃柏鈞國立政治大學經濟學系An Evaluation of Optimal Unemployment Insurance Using Two Natural Experiments經濟理論與方法王健合
2018-03-26范蓓蕾Urban and Regional Planning at School of Planning, Design, and Construction, Michigan State UniversityTechnological leapfrogging and catching up人力、資源與環境經濟魏國棟
2018-03-19林武郎University of the West, Rosemead, CA, U.S.A.川普執政後的財經展望, United States, China and Taiwan經濟發展與成長官德星、陳孝琪
2018-03-12李叢禎國立臺北大學經濟學系Bottom-up approach for downscaling CO2 emissions in Taiwan: robustness analysis and人力、資源與環境經濟魏國棟
2017-12-11方俊德 & 李長泰國立臺北大學經濟系博士生TBA人力、資源與環境經濟魏國棟
2017-11-27余沛成澳洲新南威爾斯大學Price Discrimination in the Credit Market產業與公共經濟謝修
2017-11-20劉祝安中央研究院經濟研究所An Introduction to Model Selection and Model Averaging經濟理論與方法王健合
2017-11-13Byung-Seong MinGriffith University, AustraliaOrganizational Assimilation to Changed Institutional Logic: Does Business Group Matter?經濟理論與方法王健合
2017-10-30陳嘉雯中研院人文社會科學研究中心Subsidizing Fuel Efficient Cars: Evidence from Chinas Automobile Industry經濟發展與成長方振瑞
2017-10-23賴孚權中研院人文社會科學研究中心Welfare Comparison between Vertical and Horizontal Merger with Digital Services產業與公共經濟謝修
2017-10-16陳釗而國立台灣大學經濟系Land Prices and Unemployment Rate in Japan經濟理論與方法王健合
2017-10-02彭信坤中央研究院經濟研究所Outsourcing, Learning by Doing, and Potential Competition from Suppliers產業與公共經濟謝修
2017-06-12樊家忠國立臺灣大學經濟系Are the Deterrence Effects of Anti‐DUI Policies Short‐lived?人力、資源與環境經濟 (註:此場次地點--社3F21會議室)許秀芬
2017-06-05汪天喜英國Essex大學經濟系A New Approach to Bank Liquidity經濟理論與方法陳儀
2017-05-22程智男國立臺北大學經濟系Time-varying Transitional Dynamics of Macroeconomic Determinants on Carry Trade經濟理論與方法陳儀
2017-05-15顏汝芳國立臺北大學統計系Gambling in the Loan Market: Why Banks Prefer Overconfident CEOs金融劉曦敏
2017-05-08黃貞穎國立臺灣大學經濟系Justice as Fairness in Monkeys: Linking Preference behind a Veil of Ignorance with Risk Preference and Disadvantageous Other-Regarding Preference經濟發展與成長方振瑞
2017-05-01狄萊國立臺灣大學經濟系Risky Choices over Goods產業與公共經濟劉崇堅
2017-04-24廖俊雄國立成功大學電信管理研究所Using the Importance-performance Analysis and Kano Model to Evaluate the Key Factors for Implementing Green Telecommunications產業與公共經濟劉崇堅
2017-04-10馮勃翰國立臺灣大學經濟系Dynamic Legislative Bargaining with Endogenous Proposers經濟發展與成長方振瑞
2017-03-20余朝恩國立清華大學經濟系Housing Market and Agglomeration of Rent-Seeking Activities: Implications for Regional Development產業與公共經濟劉崇堅
2017-03-13林明仁國立臺灣大學經濟系台灣不平等的全面檢視: 所得 、財富、 教育與 死亡率--以1998-2013 報稅資料為例經濟理論與方法陳儀
2017-03-06陶宏麟東吳大學經濟系Male-Taller and Male-Not-Too-Tall Norms in Taiwan台灣的身高婚配:男性較高準則與男性不要太高準則產業與公共經濟劉崇堅
2016-12-26楊子霆中央研究院經濟所Curriculum and National Identity: Evidence from the 1997 Textbook Reform in Taiwan人力、資源與環境經濟 (註:此場次地點--社3F21會議室)許秀芬
2016-12-19林文晟國立臺北大學經濟學系博士生海峽兩岸經濟合作架構協議(ECFA)回顧與探討–早收清單產業之勞動效益分析人力、資源與環境經濟 (註:此場次地點--社3F21會議室)許秀芬
2016-12-12林松崎國立臺北大學經濟系博士生Incomplete Information of Marginal Costs Effects Firms’ Product Differentiation產業與公共經濟劉崇堅
2016-12-05江淳芳國立臺灣大學經濟系What Do Voters Learn from Foreign News? Experimental Evidence on PTA Diffusion in Japan and Taiwan經濟理論與方法陳儀
2016-11-28田維華國立成功大學經濟系Risk Preference Heterogeneity and Private Health Insurance Demand under National Health Insurance Program in Taiwan人力、資源與環境經濟許秀芬
2016-11-21陳淑華國立臺北大學經濟系The Credit Channel Transmission Mechanism and the Non-linear Growth and Welfare Effects of Inflation and Taxes經濟發展與成長盧佳慧
2016-11-14陳金盛東吳大學國際經營與貿易學系Input Price Discrimination and Strategic Technology Protection產業與公共經濟劉崇堅
2016-10-24李宗穎國立臺灣大學經濟系Reimbursement Policy and Dynamic Pharmaceutical Pricing: Evidence from US Medicare Market產業與公共經濟劉崇堅
2016-10-24黃賀寶國立清華大學經濟系When Ethnic Roots Blend: the Family and Market Outcomes of Second Generation from Intermarried Immigrant Households經濟理論與方法陳儀
2016-10-17王宜甲國立臺北大學經濟系Optimal Resource Allocation on Physical and Human Capital: Theoretical Modelling and Empirical Case Study of the United States經濟發展與成長盧佳慧
2016-10-03王胤琪香港中文大學經濟系Universal Health Insurance and Physician Specialty Choice: A Macroeconomic Analysis經濟發展與成長盧佳慧
2016-09-26王道一國立臺灣大學經濟系Extreme (and Non-Extreme) Punishments in Sender-Receiver Games with Judicial Error: An Experimental Investigation經濟理論與方法陳儀
2016-09-19陳欽賢國立臺北大學經濟系Economic Condition and Suicide產業與公共經濟劉崇堅
2016-06-13官德星國立臺北大學經濟學系Transaction Cost and the Law of Demand經濟發展與成長盧佳慧
2016-06-06劉曦敏國立臺北大學經濟學系Should Ports Expand Their Facilities Under Congestion and Uncertainty?經濟理論與方法林茂廷
2016-05-30陳孝琪國立臺北大學經濟學系The Evolution of Cournot and Bertrand Firms經濟理論與方法林茂廷
2016-05-23汪琪玲淡江大學保險學系Do close relationships matter? Asymmetric information problems encountered when insurance Asymmetric information problems encountered when insurance產業與公共經濟蘇芃竹
2016-05-16何太森新加坡南洋理工大學Pro-Drop and Pro-Sociality: Experimental Evidence經濟發展與成長陳儀
2016-05-02陳建隆廣州中山大學工商管理學院Relational Contracts with Differential Time Preferences產業與公共經濟蘇芃竹
2016-04-25郭文忠國立臺北大學經濟學系Bank Competition and Credit Risk in a Mixed Oligopoly金融郭文忠
2016-04-11周秀霞致理科技大學財務金融學系The effects of information transparency on bank financial performance: what transparency matters?產業與公共經濟蘇芃竹
2016-03-28鍾劍修香港中文大學Identifying Experts by Experts產業與公共經濟蘇芃竹
2016-03-21李叢禎國立臺北大學經濟學系Asian economic integration and maritime CO2 emissions人力、資源與環境經濟李叢禎
2016-03-14吳聰敏國立臺灣大學經濟學系從經濟管制到出口擴張: 台灣1946—1960經濟發展與成長盧佳慧
2016-03-07王道一國立臺灣大學經濟學系The Informational Theory of Legislative Committees: An Experimental Analysis經濟理論與方法林茂廷
2016-01-04賴慧文國立臺灣師範大學管理研究所Strategic Choice of Risk: Evidence from Mutual Fund Families金融郭文忠
2015-12-28蔡宜展國立臺灣大學經濟學系Dynamic optimal taxation with capital-skill complementarity經濟發展與成長王宜甲
2015-12-21朱建達國立臺灣大學經濟學系Pricing Strategy under Reference-Dependent Preferences: Evidence from Sellers on StubHub產業與公共經濟蘇芃竹
2015-11-30黃美瑛國立臺北大學經濟學系The Performance Evaluation on the Efficiency and Productivity Change of Securities Industry in China產業與公共經濟蘇芃竹
2015-11-23唐孟祺國立中正大學經濟學系Hospital Efficiency under Global Budgeting: Evidence from Taiwan產業與公共經濟蘇芃竹
2015-11-16蘇軒立國立臺灣大學經濟學系Financial Frictions, Capital Misallocation, and Input-Output Linkages經濟發展與成長王宜甲
2015-11-02黃德源上海財經大學金融學院Long-Term Capital Budgeting Mechanism in Multidivision Firms產業與公共經濟蘇芃竹
2015-10-26江淳芳國立臺灣大學經濟學系Exclusive-support Behavior –Strategic Voting in the 2012 DPP Presidential Primary Election經濟理論與方法林茂廷
2015-10-19鄧軫元國立臺北大學財政學系Justice, What Money Can Buy: A Lab Experiment on Primary Social Goods and the Rawlsian Difference Principle經濟理論與方法林茂廷
2015-10-12黃景沂國立臺灣大學經濟學系Regulation of Bank Branches in Taiwan經濟理論與方法林茂廷
2015-10-05盧佳慧國立臺北大學經濟學系Public Policies for Unemployment經濟發展與成長王宜甲
2015-09-21劉崇堅國立臺北大學經濟學系From Sluggish to Brisk: An Analysis of Taiwan’s Cable TV Digitalization Policy產業與公共經濟蘇芃竹
2015-06-22湯蕙瑄國立臺北大學經濟學系Estimating the Returns to Education with the Manpower Utilization Survey人力、資源與環境經濟劉德芝
2015-06-15陳妍倩國立暨南大學經濟學系Less Parental Resources, Less Possibility to go to College?產業與公共經濟邱敬淵
2015-06-01陳依依逢甲大學經濟學系Promoting Group Productivity: A Tournament-Based Mechanism產業與公共經濟邱敬淵
2015-05-25樊家忠國立臺灣大學經濟學系Shifts in Birth Timing: Economic Factors and Health Consequences經濟發展與成長王宜甲
2015-05-18蘇芃竹國立臺北大學經濟學系Information Revelation in the Property Right Theory of the Firms產業與公共經濟邱敬淵
2015-05-11王健合國立臺北大學經濟學系Dynamic hedging with stock index futures: a Kalman filter error-correction model經濟理論與方法陳俊志
2015-05-04洪小文淡江大學產業經濟學系Trade Union, Unemployment, Economic Growth, and Income Inequality人力、資源與環境經濟劉德芝
2015-04-27朱琇妍國立中正大學經濟學系Using the Hybrid Phillips Curve with Memory to Forecast U.S. Inflation經濟發展與成長王宜甲
2015-04-13謝智源東吳大學經濟學系Is Keeping Up with the Joneses Beneficial for Economic Growth?經濟發展與成長王宜甲
2015-03-30王道一國立臺灣大學經濟學系Confucianism and preferences: Evidence from lab experiments in Taiwan and China人力、資源與環境經濟劉德芝
2015-03-16黃千祐西南財經大學經濟學院Cash-In-Advance Constraints in a Schumpeterian Growth Model with an Endogenous Market Structure金融簡明哲
2015-03-09陳欽賢國立臺北大學經濟學系Preventive Health Care for the Elderly under National Health Insurance in Taiwan產業與公共經濟邱敬淵
2015-02-23胡偉民國立政治大學財政學系Welfare Analysis of the Vehicle Quota System in China : A Tale of Two Cities經濟理論與方法陳俊志
2015-01-05林祖梃美國Gettysburg College經濟學系A New Keynesian Model with Robots: Implications for Business Cycles and Monetary Policy經濟發展與成長邱敬淵
2014-12-29李偉銘國立中正大學經濟學系Intertemporal Risk-Return Relationships in Bull and Bear Markets金融簡明哲
2014-12-22田維華國立成功大學經濟學系Obesity and Asthma Outpatient Service Utilization by the Middle Aged and Elderly in Taiwan經濟理論與方法陳俊志
2014-12-15劉修謙香港大學商業與經濟學系Identity and Cooperation in the Inter-Group Prisoner’s Dilemma經濟理論與方法王健合
2014-12-08胡偉民國立政治大學財政系When is a Random Lottery not Fair? The Beijing Vehicle Quota System and Equal Opportunity經濟理論與方法陳俊志
2014-12-01蔡宜展國立台灣大學經濟學系Resource Misallocation and Aggregate Productivity under Progressive Taxation經濟發展與成長陳淑華
2014-11-24池祥麟國立臺北大學金融與合作經營學系Socially Responsible Investing and Short-termism in Capital Markets金融簡明哲
2014-11-17林樹明北京師範大學經濟學院Minimum Wages and Income Inequality in China人力、資源與環境經濟劉德芝
2014-11-03陳淑華國立臺北大學經濟學系Growth and the Credit Channel of Fiscal and Monetary Policy Transmission經濟發展與成長陳淑華
2014-10-27王譯賢文化大學財務金融系Information Value of Patent Litigation and Industry Competition in Taiwan人力、資源與環境經濟劉德芝
2014-10-20張永健中央研究院法律所Pain and Suffering Damages in Personal Injury Cases: An Empirical Study產業與公共經濟邱敬淵
2014-10-13王宜甲國立臺北大學經濟學系Functional sensitivity of testing the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis經濟發展與成長陳淑華
2014-10-06邱敬淵國立臺北大學經濟學系Preventing Mass Mobilization: Autocratic Responses to Revolutionary Threats產業與公共經濟邱敬淵
2014-05-26陳香如中研院經濟所The Impact of Family Composition on Human人力、資源與環境經濟湯蕙瑄
2014-05-19蔡宗武University of KansasA New Semiparametric Quantile Panel Data Model with Estimating the Growth Effect of FDI經濟理論與方法王健合
2014-05-12謝智源東吳大學經濟學系Environmental Consciousness, Economic Growth, and Macroeconomic Instability經濟理論與方法陳孝琪
2014-05-05陳孝琪臺北大學經濟學系Should the European Union Auction Emission Permits in their Third Trading Phase?經濟理論與方法陳孝琪
2014-04-28廖培安世新大學經濟系Do Rural Students Really Perform Worse than Urban Students Do? Empirical Evidence from a University Entrance Program in Taiwan產業與公共經濟陳欽賢
2014-04-21吳斯偉臺北大學經濟學系Corporate Social Responsibility and Cost of Capital: an Empirical Study in the Taiwan Stock Market金融簡明哲
2014-03-31簡文政世新大學經濟系The Relationship between Outcome Uncertainties and Match Attendance: New Evidence in the National Basketball Association人力、資源與環境經濟湯蕙瑄
2014-03-24郭建廷美國加州大學河濱分校News about Aggregate Demand and the Business Cycle經濟發展與成長陳淑華
2014-03-10李怡庭臺灣大學經濟學系Financial Intermediaries, Liquidity, and Payments Fraud經濟發展與成長陳淑華
2014-03-03吳儀玲臺灣大學經濟學系Sensitivity to Business Cycles and CEO Compensation金融劉曦敏
2014-02-24陳孝琪臺北大學經濟學系Imitation, Local Interaction, and Coordination經濟理論與方法陳孝琪
2014-01-06田寶齡Wesleyan大學經濟學系The Changing Transmission Mechanism of U.S. Monetary Policy產業與公共經濟陳欽賢
2013-12-30劉曦敏臺北大學經濟學系Imported Inflation or Monetary Inflation: The Case of China in the Early 21st Century金融劉曦敏
2013-12-23陳文豪OECDDivided we stand: why inequality keeps rising?經濟發展與成長官德星
2013-12-16鄭翰駿中研究經濟所Never Say Never, but When?(A model of Structural Information Manipulation)經濟理論與方法陳孝琪
2013-12-09王宜甲臺北大學經濟學系Without Scale Effects, Does Population Growth Matter?經濟發展與成長官德星
2013-12-02蔡彣涓世新大學經濟學系Do High-achieving Peers Generate High-achieving Students? Evidence from the ‘Excluded’ Peers of High School Seniors in Taiwan人力、資源與環境經濟湯蕙瑄
2013-11-25鄭漢亮中華經濟研究院Asymmetric Effects of Unexpected Monetary Policy on Equity Returns in China金融劉曦敏
2013-11-18林彥伶淡江大學經濟學系The Spacing of Births and Womens Labor Supply:人力、資源與環境經濟湯蕙瑄
2013-10-28袁國芝東吳大學經濟學系A Model of Multi-Unit Auctions in Multiple Markets經濟理論與方法陳孝琪
2013-10-21陳欽賢臺北大學經濟學系Do Cesarean Deliveries on Maternal Request Lead to Greater Maternal Care Utilization?產業與公共經濟陳欽賢
2013-10-14盧佳慧臺北大學經濟學系Optimal fiscal policies in an economy with externalities from public spending經濟發展與成長官德星
2013-09-30徐 美臺北大學經濟學系Changes in Wage Gap of Full-time and Part-time Workers in Taiwan人力、資源與環境經濟湯蕙瑄
2013-09-23崔志偉北京航空航天大學經濟管理學院The Evolution of Free Trade Networks經濟理論與方法陳孝琪
2013-06-10郭文忠臺北大學經濟學系Media Bias, Slant Regulation, and the Public-Interest Media金融
2013-06-03官德星臺北大學經濟學系The Institutional Structure of the Monetary System經濟發展與成長官德星
2013-05-20林建秀政治大學金融系Optimal Carry Trade Portfolio Choice under Regime Shifts金融郭文忠
2013-05-13簡文政世新大學經濟系The Relationship between Outcome Uncertainties and Match Attendance: New Evidence in the National Basketball Association經濟發展與成長官德星
2013-04-29徐吉良中正大學經濟學系Identification and Estimation of Semi-parametric Censored Dynamic Panel Data Models經濟理論與方法程智男
2013-04-15黃景沂台灣大學經濟學系Competition of Talk Show Programs in Taiwan產業與公共經濟陳嘉雯
2013-04-01彭喜樞中研院經濟所Who’s in The Forbes Global 2000?The Role of Home Market, Multinational Firm, Economic Development, and State Capitalism產業與公共經濟魏國棟
2013-03-25江淳芳台灣大學經濟學系Market Forces, Owner Preferences, and Newspaper Ideology產業與公共經濟陳嘉雯
2013-03-18吳紀瑩逢甲大學經濟學系Are Air Travel Markets Segmented Along the Lines of Nonstop versus Intermediate-stop(s) Products?產業與公共經濟陳嘉雯
2013-03-11沈信漢中央大學財務管理學系Tournament Incentives and Firm Innovation金融郭文忠
2013-03-04許育進中研院經濟所Testing the Unconfoundedness Assumption via Inverse Probability Weighted Estimators of (L)ATT經濟理論與方法程智男
2013-02-25詹昀姍臺北大學財政學系A Dynamic Model of Criminal Behavior of Youth人力、資源與環境經濟魏國棟
2012-12-24陳嘉雯臺北大學經濟學系Exclusive Dealing and Market Share: Evidence from Distribution Contract Changes in the U.S. Beer Industry產業與公共經濟陳嘉雯
2012-12-17謝銘逢臺灣大學生物產業傳播暨發展學系Consumer Shopping Behavior in Store Format Choice產業與公共經濟陳嘉雯
2012-12-10周建富臺灣大學經濟學系Stochastic War-of-Attrition and Tug-of-War Games產業與公共經濟魏國棟
2012-11-26黃美瑛臺北大學經濟學系Cost and Profit Efficiency of Bank Industries in Taiwan and China: A Metafrontier Approach產業與公共經濟陳嘉雯
2012-11-19陳宗岡輔仁大學金融與國際企業學系Production Information Uncertainty and Corporate Bond Yield Spreads金融郭文忠
2012-11-12張世忠德明財經科技大學Show Me the Information: When Directors’ and Officers’ Insurance Is Valueadded?金融郭文忠
2012-10-29湯蕙瑄臺北大學經濟學系Pomp and Circumstance: University Presidents and the Role of Human Capital in Determining Who Leads U.S. Research Institutions人力、資源與環境經濟魏國棟
2012-10-22許育進中研院經濟所Estimating Conditional Average Treatment Effects經濟理論與方法程智男
2012-10-22彭正浩輔仁大學經濟系Trade Liberalization, Technology Transfer and Endogenous R&D經濟理論與方法程智男
2012-10-15陳淑華臺北大學經濟學系Fiscal and Monetary Policies in a Transactions-Based Model with Imperfect Competition經濟發展與成長方振瑞
2012-10-01胡偉民政治大學財政學系Collusion or Competition? Inter-firm Relationships in the Chinese Auto Industry產業與公共經濟
2012-09-24王健合臺北大學經濟學系Further results on convergence for nonlinear transformations of fractionally integrated time series經濟理論與方法程智男
2012-09-17徐敏鐘日本政策研究大學院大學Financing Health Care in Japan:A Fast Aging Population and the Dilemma of Reforms經濟理論與方法程智男
2012-06-11官德星臺北大學經濟學系Transaction Costs and the Substitution at Multiple Margins金融簡明哲
2012-06-04陳香如中研院經研所Long-Term Changes in the Wage Structure of Taiwan人力、資源與環境經濟徐 美
2012-05-28林樹明北京師範大學經管院Earnings Gap, Cohort Effect and Economic Assimilation of Immigrants from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan in the United States人力、資源與環境經濟徐 美
2012-05-21謝 修臺北大學經濟學系Can Horizontal Mergers Without Synergies Increase Consumer Welfare?Cournot and Bertrand Competition under Uncertain Demand產業與公共經濟徐芳霞
2012-05-07林茂廷臺北大學經濟學系The Coolness and the Ideology of Political Candidates經濟理論與方法王健合
2012-04-30陳嘉雯臺北大學經濟學系Estimating the Foreclosure Effect of Exclusive Dealing: Evidence from the Entry of Specialty Beer Producers產業與公共經濟徐芳霞
2012-04-16陳俊志臺北大學經濟學系Unemployment rates and health status: Evidence from stroke incidence rate in Taiwan經濟理論與方法王健合
2012-04-02程智男臺北大學經濟學系Neighborhood Context and Substance Use Disorders: A Comparative Analysis of Racial and Ethnic Groups in the United States經濟理論與方法王健合
2012-03-26方振瑞臺北大學經濟學系Monetary Policy on Urban and Rural Consumption in China經濟發展與成長方振瑞
2012-03-19郭文忠臺北大學經濟學系A Two-Sided Market Analysis on Media Bias金融簡明哲
2012-03-12楊奕祐真理大學應用數學系On the accessibility of the core and its extensions經濟理論與方法魏國棟
2012-03-12湯蕙瑄University of OregonThe Pursuit of Excellence: An Analysis of the Honors College Application and Enrollment Decision for a Large Public University人力、資源與環境經濟魏國棟
2011-12-19王宜甲東海大學經濟學系Direct and Spillover Effects of Foreign Direct Investment on Labor Productivity in Taiwan經濟發展與成長盧佳慧
2011-12-12唐孟祺中正大學經濟學系Household Preferences for Employer-Provided Health Insurance: An Empirical Discrete Games Approach經濟理論與方法王健合
2011-12-05黃鏡如美國范德堡大學Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Seemingly Unrelated Stochastic Frontier Regressions產業與公共經濟徐芳霞
2011-11-28張勝凱台灣大學經濟學系Simulation Estimation of the Convergence of the Black-White Earnings Gap and Income Dynamics經濟理論與方法王健合
2011-11-21李叢禎臺北大學經濟學系Optimal Regulations and Efficiency Losses in Imperfectly Competitive International Emissions Trading人力、資源與環境經濟徐 美
2011-11-14黃鴻明中央大學財金系Affine Model of Inflation-Indexed Derivatives and Inflation Risk Premium經濟理論與方法王健合
2011-10-24黃俞寧政治大學經濟學系Optimal Monetary Policy for Taiwan: A Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Framework經濟發展與成長盧佳慧
2011-10-17林建志淡江大學財金系Optimal Diversification- Does It Exist?金融簡明哲
2011-10-03陳鴻崑淡江大學財金系The Stock Market Valuation of R&D Expenditure and Corporate Governance金融簡明哲
2011-06-13郭迺鋒世新大學財務金融學系社會網絡對全球人口遷徙之影響 – 分量迴歸分析金融賴惠子
2011-05-30陳和全中正經濟Location, Strategic R&D and Spillovers產業與公共經濟謝修
2011-05-23許毓珊中正經濟Can Consumption Habit Spillovers Be A Source of Equilibrium Indeterminacy?經濟發展與成長盧佳慧
2011-05-16宮崎浩一台大經濟系Implementing the optimal and fair policy in a political accountability model經濟理論與方法林茂廷
2011-05-09盧佳慧本系Optimal Factor Tax Incidence in Two-sector Human Capital-based Models經濟發展與成長盧佳慧
2011-05-02邱訪義中研院政治所籌備處A Dynamic Theory of Filibusters產業與公共經濟謝 修
2011-04-11王馨徽比利時魯文大學A New Solution to Spurious Regressions經濟理論與方法王健合
2011-03-28張瓊云本系博士班研究生The Optimal Deposit-Insurance Polices: Insurance Premium and Capital Adequacy Requirement金融陳孝琪
2011-03-21何靜嫺政大經濟The Strategic Impacts of Providing Nonprofit Health Service產業與公共經濟謝 修
2011-03-14徐 美本系縮短工時對產業勞動生產力變動之影響—分量迴規模型之應用經濟理論與方法林茂廷
2011-03-07廖肇寧清華經濟Modeling a Block Subsidy Rate System for Environmental Regulation人力、資源與環境經濟李叢禎
2011-01-03印永翔中山大學經濟研究所“Capital Mobility in East Asian Countries is Not So High”:Examining the Impact of Sterilization on Capital Flows經濟發展與成長陳淑華
2010-12-27莊文議台大財金系International Transmission of Investors’ Overconfident Trading Behavior金融賴惠子
2010-12-20陳妍蒨暨南國際大學經濟學系Separate Effects of Sibling Gender and Family Size on Child’s Cognitive and Noncognitive Outcomes: Methods and First Evidence人力、資源與環境經濟劉曦敏
2010-12-13Ching-jen SunSchool of Accounting, Economics, and Finance, Deakin University, Melbourne Australia.Strategic Foundations for Monetary Nonneutrality經濟理論與方法陳孝琪
2010-12-06陳彥行國立雲林科技大學財務金融系The Benefits of Political Connection:Evidence from Individual Bank Loan Contracts經濟理論與方法林茂廷
2010-11-29梁發進前央行副總裁Minsky’s Financial Instability Hypothesis and Its Implications金融賴惠子
2010-11-15黃景沂台大經濟系How to Make an Offer? A Theoretical Model and Empirical Evidence from eBay Motors產業與公共經濟黃美瑛
2010-10-25陳淑華本系Interest Rate Rules and the Credit Channel of Monetary Policy Transmission經濟發展與成長陳淑華
2010-10-18黃河泉淡江大學財金系Financial Volatility and Growth Volatility金融賴惠子
2010-10-11張靜貞中央研究院經濟研究所The Impact of Climate Change on Global Rice Market and Food Security in Asia人力資源與公共經濟李叢禎
2010-10-04溫麗琪中華經濟研究院WTO 環保商品市場開放對我國之經濟影響人力、資源與公共經濟李叢禎
2010-09-27何泰寬清大計財Have the monetary authorities of Taiwan been conducting monetary policy with tied hands?經濟發展與成長陳淑華
2010-09-20陳欽賢本系Can Financial Incentive Reduce Cesarean Section Rates?產業與公共經濟黃美瑛
2010-06-07謝修本校經濟學系To Merge or to License: Implications of Information Sharing for Optimal Merger Policy產業與公共經濟黃美瑛
2010-05-31廖述誼中興大學應用經濟學系Regional Economic Impacts of A Scenario Earthquake人力、資源與環境經濟魏國棟
2010-05-24李叢禎本校經濟學系Optimal Strategic Regulations in International Emissions Trading under Imperfect Competition人力、資源與環境經濟魏國棟
2010-05-17林茂廷本校經濟學系Income Process, Buffer Saving and Cyclical Consumption Fluctuations經濟理論與方法陳俊志
2010-04-19冼芻蕘清華大學經濟學系Estimation and hypothesis testing with enumerated and definite signs of inconsistencies經濟理論與方法陳俊志
2010-03-22(1)黃琪斐 (2)蘇菩提 (3) 張瓊云本系博士班研究生(1)需求不確定性下之最適合併政策 (2)Optimal Patent Licensing under Vertical Cross Ownership (3)The optimal regulation in an insured bank產業與公共經濟黃美瑛
2010-03-15(1)方振瑞 (2)彭祐宜(1)臺北大學經濟學系 (2)經濟博士候選人, University of Washington, Seattle WA.(1) The Coexistence of High Unemployment and Good Economic Performance in Large Open Developing Countries (2)Economic Determinants of Social Security Claiming(1)經濟發展與成長 (2)產業與公共經濟(1)陳淑華 (2)劉曦敏
2010-03-08(1)陳虹霖 (2) 王信實(1)Ph. D., Economics, University of California, Riverside, (2)Ph. D., Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison(1)The Union Impact on Wages for Foreign-Born Workers:Estimates Using Propensity Score Matching, (2)Buyer Market Power and Vertically Differentiated Retailers產業與公共經濟劉曦敏
2010-03-01齊豪PhD in Economics, University of Wisconsin-MadisonWelfare Reform and Children’s Short-Run Attainments – A Structural Approach產業與公共經濟劉曦敏
2010-01-04何靜嫺政治大學經濟系Capital Structure and Competition in the Banking Industry: Theory and Empirics產業與公共經濟謝修
2009-12-28王耀輝台灣大學財金系The Impacts of Liquidity Risk on Option Prices金融劉曦敏
2009-12-07李怡庭台灣大學經濟系Liquidity, Asset Price and Banking經濟發展與成長洪福聲
2009-11-30郭文忠臺北大學經濟學系Financial Leverage and Market Volatility金融劉曦敏
2009-11-16胡偉民中國人民大學漢青經濟與金融高級研究院Consumer boycotts: the impact of the Olympics protests on French car sales in China經濟理論與方法陳俊志
2009-11-09陳明郎中研院經濟所Intersectoral Spillovers, Relative Prices and Poverty Trap經濟發展與成長洪福聲
2009-10-19林佑貞東吳大學經濟系Taxes, Subsidies, and the Incentives to Provide Fuel-Efficient Automobiles產業與公共經濟謝修
2009-10-12錢玉蘭自然資源與環境管理研究所Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Reserve Networks for Biodiversity Conservation: Two Case Studies for Taiwan人力、資源與環境經濟魏國棟
2009-09-28陳俊志臺北大學經濟學系How do real exchange rates switch between regimes? Recent evidence from three nonlinear models經濟理論與方法陳俊志
2009-06-01黃琪斐 蘇菩提本系博士班研究生1.訊息分享效果對最適垂直整合政策之影響 2. 存在交叉持股之專利授權分析產業與公共經濟陳欽賢
2009-05-25陳淑華臺北大學經濟學系Progressive Taxation and Macroeconomic (In)stability經濟發展與成長陳淑華
2009-05-18王健合臺北大學經濟學系Estimation of growth convergence using common correlated effects estimation approaches經濟理論與方法王健合
2009-05-11魏國棟臺北大學經濟學系Is It Feasible To Develop Biomass Energy in Taiwan?人力、資源與環境經濟徐美
2009-05-04王泓仁臺灣大學經濟學系Identifying the Effects of Monetary Policy in a Small Open Economy with Active Foreign Exchange Interventions經濟發展與成長官德星
2009-04-27盧佳慧臺北大學經濟學系The Dynamic Welfare Comparison of Seignorage Tax and Consumption Tax經濟發展與成長官德星
2009-04-13陳佩玲 張瓊云本系博士班研究生1.策略性相對績效管理授權對專利授權之影響 2.The Optimal Regulation in a Insured Bank產業與公共經濟陳欽賢
2009-04-06岳俊豪 江秀燕本系博士班研究生1.政經結構變遷與台灣景氣波動的跨時異質性 2.貨幣與財政政策的非協調合作經濟發展與成長、 金融侯美惠
2009-03-23陳孝琪臺北大學經濟學系Evolutionary Prisoner*s Dilemma Games with One-dimensional Local Interaction and Imitation經濟理論與方法陳孝琪
2009-03-16林世昌清華大學經濟學系An Alternative Estimator of the Gender Wage Gap by Industry: A Normalized Equation Approach人力、資源與環境經濟徐美
2009-02-23Paul Tae-Woo LEE(李太雨教授)開南大學物流與航運管理學系/研究所WHY?all fields劉曦敏教授
2009-02-09陳妍蒨臺大經濟學系博士候選人Separate Effects of Sibling Gender and Family Size on Educational Achievements - Methods and First Evidence from Population Birth Registry人力、資源與環境經濟徐美
2009-01-05官德星本校經濟學系副教授Growth Theory Needs an Institutional Structure經濟發展與成長官德星
2008-12-29張可盈銘傳大學醫療資訊與管理系The Effectiveness of Alcohol-Control Policies on Drunk-Driving Fatalities in the United States產經陳欽賢
2008-12-15劉嘉瀅真理大學經濟學系助理教授Macroeconomic Implications of a Sharing Compensation Scheme in a Model of Endogenous Growth經濟發展與成長官德星
2008-12-08耿紹勛高雄大學應用經濟學系副教授The effect of the national health insurance on the mortality and quality of life of the elderly in Taiwan人力徐美
2008-12-01蔡崇聖清華大學經濟學系助理教授On Majoritarian Bargaining with Incomplete Information經濟理論與方法陳孝琪
2008-11-17陳欽賢本校經濟學系Association between Mode of Delivery and Maternal Re-hospitalization: Vaginal vs. Elective Cesareans產經陳欽賢
2008-11-03徐美本校經濟學系Why Immigrants Make so Much Higher Earnings than Natives in Taiwan?人力、資源與公共經濟徐美
2008-10-27王耀輝台大財務金融學系A New Simple Square Root Option Pricing Model金融侯美惠
2008-10-20簡文政世新大學經濟系The Causality between Salary Structures and Team Performance: A Panel Analysis in a Professional Baseball League產經陳欽賢
2008-10-06林建秀政大金融學系Asymmetric exchange exposure in the Asian emerging markets金融侯美惠
2008-09-22吳宜聰Essays on International Investment Holdings and Risk Sharing金融陳孝琪
2008-09-22藤本典嗣Noritsugu Fujimoto日本福島大學准教授Office Location and Regional Structure in Taiwan (2000-2007)產經陳欽賢
2008-05-26松村敏弘東京大學社會科學研究所教授Privatization Waves產業與公共經濟賴孚權
2008-05-19林常青中央研究院經濟研究所助研究員On the Robustness of Symmetry Tests for Stock Returns經濟理論與方法王健合
2008-05-05謝修本系副教授Third Degree Price Discrimination with Quality Signaling產業與公共經濟徐芳霞
2008-04-28陳佩鈴本系博士班研究生Strategic Trade Policy with Multiple Firms in a Vertically Related Market: One Upstream Monopolist vs. Two Downstream Countries產業與公共經濟徐芳霞
2008-04-28張瓊云本系博士班研究生The Optimal Licensing Policy in a Differentiated Stackelberg Model: The Patent Holder is a Quantity Leader產業與公共經濟徐芳霞
2008-04-14賴孚權本系教授An Analysis on an Invaluable Indivisible Good: Kingship Competition and Others產業與公共經濟徐芳霞
2008-04-07朱智豪中央研究院經濟研究所助研究員Effects of Blocking Patents on R&D: A Quantitative DGE Analysis經濟發展與成長洪福聲
2008-03-31江秀燕本系博士班研究生Strategic wage setting and monetary policy經濟發展與成長方振瑞
2008-03-24黃琪斐本系博士班研究生Information-Sharing Implications for Optimal Merger Policy產業與公共經濟徐芳霞
2008-03-24蘇菩提本系博士班研究生Patent Licensing under Asymmetric Information產業與公共經濟徐芳霞
2008-03-10Wen-Yao(Grace) Wang王文瑤Ph.D. Candidate Economics,Texas A&M University, College Station, TexasPartial Deposit Insurance and Moral Hazard in Banking金融洪福聲
2008-02-25Ching-Yi Lin林靜儀Ph.D. Candidate,Economics,University of California,DavisExchange Rate Uncertainty and the Extensive Margin of Exports國際金融或經濟理論與方法洪福聲
2008-01-07官德星本系副教授Two Fallacies in Taiwan’s Monetary Policy經濟發展與成長方振瑞
2007-12-31方振瑞本系副教授Unemployment in an Opened Harris-Todaro Economy經濟發展與成長方振瑞
2007-12-29冼芻蕘廈門大學經濟學系副教授Capturing Cross-Sectional Correlation with Time-Series: With an Application to Unit Root Test數量與計量經濟王健合
2007-12-17郭文忠本系助理教授Pyramiding/Depyramiding and Margin Trades金融郭文忠
2007-12-10周冠男中央大學財務金融學系教授The Impact of Investment Opportunities and Free Cash Flow on Financial Liberalization:A Cross-Firm Analysis of Emerging金融郭文忠
2007-11-26陳俊志本系助理教授Comparing Early Warning Systems for Currency Crises經濟理論與方法王健合
2007-11-19謝智源東吳大學經濟學系副教授Consumption Externalities, Market Imperfections, and Optimal Taxation經濟發展與成長洪福聲
2007-11-05李叢禎本系助理教授Interventions Against Monopoly Power due to Hot Air Trading: Import Tariffs based on the Ancillary Benefits of Domestic Abatement人力、資源與李叢禎
2007-10-29張淑華世新大學Investigating the Business Cycle effects on Risk-Return Correlation:Evidence from stochastic volatility in mean model金融郭文忠
2007-10-22劉曦敏本系教授Emission-Tax Pollution Control Systems With and Without Commitment to Monitoring人力、資源與李叢禎
2007-10-15陳孝琪本系教授Incentive Contracts under Imperfect Auditing.經濟理論與方法王健合
2007-10-08王健合本系助理教授Unit root tests when the data are a trigonometric transformation of an integrated process經濟理論與方法王健合
2007-10-01吉田雅敏筑波大學Multiplier Effects of Public Services in a Two-Sector Model of Monopolistic Competition產業與公共經濟劉崇堅
2007-06-11陳佩鈴本系博士班Strategic Debt under Asymmetric Information產業與公共經濟謝修
2007-06-04黃琪斐本系博士班研究生Strategic Debt and Patent Licensing產業與公共經濟謝修
2007-06-04蘇菩提本系博士班研究生Fixed Fee Licensing under Asymmetric Information產業與公共經濟謝修
2007-05-21孫嘉宏本系博士班研究生A note on R&D in Hotelling空間、資源、環境與農業經濟劉崇堅
2007-04-16林俊宏淡江大學產業經濟學系副教授The Dynamics of Regional Labor Market in Taiwan, 1994-2004個體、人力資源與國際經濟徐美
2007-04-09羅曉中央研究院經濟研究所副研究員Iterated Strict Dominance in General Games數量與計量經濟陳孝琪
2007-04-02彭信坤中央研究院經濟研究所研究員Economic Geography with Tariff Competition.空間、資源、環境與農業經濟劉崇堅
2007-03-19林建秀經濟學博士候選人University of California, L.A.Risk exposure in the Asian emerging markets貨幣金融與財務經濟陳欽賢
2007-03-19許光中經濟學博士候選人Texas A & M UniversityOutsourcing and Wage Inequality in the Home Country個體、人力資源與國際經濟陳欽賢
2007-03-12李明軒經濟學博士候選人, Boston UniversityHuman Capital Investment, Industrialization, and the One-Child Policy in China: Gender Differences in Senior Secondary Education經濟史,總體與經濟發展陳欽賢
2007-03-12盧姝璇經濟學博士候選人University of California, L.A.Understanding Taiwan’s Growth Miracle: The Role of Capital Market Efficiency總體與經濟發展陳欽賢
2007-03-05劉安詩經濟學博士候選人, University of Texas at AustinAn Empirical study of price promotions: the case of canned tuna個體、人力資源與國際經濟陳欽賢
2006-12-11黃俞寧政治大學經濟學系助理教授Does External Habit Formation Help Increase Real Exchange Rate總體與經濟發展方振瑞
2006-12-04鄭婉秀亞洲大學財務金融系助理教授Correlated Jumps in Crude Oil and Gasoline during the Gulf War貨幣金融與財務經濟簡明哲
2006-11-27李秀雲中正大學經濟系教授Does an Exogenous or an Endogenous Growth Model Fare Better? Evidence from the GDP growth rates of 24 OECD Countries總體與經濟發展陳欽賢
2006-11-20張永隆臺灣大學經濟學系助理教授An Estimated Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model of the Taiwanese Economy總體與經濟發展方振瑞
2006-11-06董安琪中央研究院經濟研究所副研究員The Evolving Flying Geese Formation: Commodification and Export Outsourcing數量與計量經濟陳孝琪
2006-10-30洪瑞成淡江大學財務金融學系博士候選人暨元培科技大學財務金融學系講師Estimation of Value-at-Risk under Jump Dynamics and Asymmetric Information貨幣金融與財務經濟簡明哲
2006-10-23陶宏麟東吳大學經濟學系教授Do physical appearance and college grade determine the entry wage of graduates? Evidence from Taiwanese female graduates個體、人力資源與國際經濟徐 美
2006-10-16周嗣文清華大學經濟學系助理教授Collusion and Renegotiation in產業與公共經濟謝 修
2006-10-11福山 敬日本東北大學情報科學研究科副教授Regional competition and cooperation on provision of inter-regional transportation infrastructures空間、資源、環境與農業經濟劉崇堅
2006-10-02陳欽賢本系教授Association between National Health Insurance and Private Health Insurance in Taiwan個體、人力資源與國際經濟徐 美
2006-09-25劉崇堅本系教授Duopoly vs. Monopoly: Space Does空間、資源、環境與農業經濟劉崇堅

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  • econ@mail.ntpu.edu.tw
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