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新加坡管理大學 (SMU)-常見Q&A

Q1. SMU 面試方式?

A1.SMU 在篩選 SMU Programme 申請者時,面試形式、選擇過程…等需依 SMU的規則進行。面試可能是面對面,或藉由Skype或類似軟體與SMU的代表進行。


A2. 就讀 SMU Programme 的條件,文字摘錄如下 (內有英文的要求):

Admission to the SMU Programme is based on the following terms which may be amended from time to time, as deemed appropriate by SMU based on current admission requirements of the SMU Programme or as otherwise previously informed by SMU:

(a) satisfactory completion of the Preparatory Programme;(b) an undergraduate GPA of 3.0 out of 4.0 or equivalent;(c) minimum GMAT score of 600 or equivalent;(d) minimum IELTS score of 6.5, TOEFL score of 90 or equivalent;(e) an admission interview by SMU. 

Q3.Mathematics for Economics 及 Econometrics 是否為必修課?

A3.由於 Preparatory Programme 規定選修的 50 學分中,包含 Mathematics for Economics (6 credits); Econometrics (6 credits)。所以,請修完 Mathematics for Economics (6 credits); Econometrics (6 credits) 再申請. 


A4.關於 Preparatory Programme 和 SMU Programme 的課程相關資訊,請詳附件 Annex A & Annex B.


A5.NTPU students who enrol in the MSE or MSFE under this agreement will be granted a scholarship of S$4000.



SMU網站:Our Postgraduate Programmes | Singapore Management University (SMU)

Q7.SMU 的聯絡窗口?

A7. Jenny SHENG, email: jennysheng@smu.edu.sg

Assistant Manager, School of Economics

  • 237303 新北市三峽區大學路 151 號 社科大樓 3F19
  • 02-8674-1111 # 67160、67161
  • 02-26739880
  • econ@mail.ntpu.edu.tw
  • 104080 台北市民生東路三段 67 號,教學大樓 7 樓 A7F05
  • 02-2502-4654 # 18120、18121、18122
  • econ@mail.ntpu.edu.tw
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