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國立臺北大學經濟學系副教授 (2015/02~)
國立臺北大學經濟學系副教授 (2015/02~)
國立臺北大學經濟學系助理教授 (2013/08~2015/01)
東海大學經濟系助理教授 (2009/08~2013/07)
(02)86741111 ext. 67177




  1. Wang, Yi-Chia and Meng-Wei Chen* (2024), “The Role of Foreign Direct Investment in East and Southeast Asia: Evidence Before and After 2009 Global Financial Crisis,” International Review of Economics & Finance, 92, 1405–1415. (EconLit, SSCI)
  2. Wang, Yi-Chia* and Ju-Hsuan Lee (2024), “Depression Population and Influencing Factors in Taiwan: A Macro-Level Study,” Journal of Population Studies, forthcoming. (TSSCI)
  3. Wang, Yi-Chia* and Hong-Lin Su (2024), “Unraveling Exogenous Shocks, Financial Stress and US Economic Performance,” Studies in Economics and Finance, forthcoming. (EconLit)
  4. Wang, Yi-Chia* (2024), “Optimal Resource Allocation on Physical and Human Capital: Theoretical Modelling and Empirical Case Study of the United States,” Theoretical Economics Letters, 14(1), 107–124. (EconLit)
  5. 李叢禎*、丘丞剛、王宜甲 (2020)。「臺灣縣市糧食消費之土地使用比較分析:土地遠距連接之觀點」。都市與計劃,47(4),323–347。(TSSCI)
  6. 李叢禎*、林冠瑛、王宜甲 (2019)。「區域經濟成長與環境品質:臺灣降尺度環境顧志耐曲線假說之實證分析」。農業經濟叢刊,25(1),69–104。(EconLit)
  7. Wang, Yi-Chia* (2014), “Evidence of Public Capital Spillovers and Endogenous Growth in Taiwan,” Economic Modelling, 39, 314–321. (SSCI). [NSC Project Support – NSC 102-2410-H-305-071-]
  8. Wang, Yi-Chia* (2013), “Functional Sensitivity of Testing the Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis,” Resource and Energy Economics, 35(4), 451–466. (EconLit, SSCI)
  9. Wang, Yi-Chia* (2012), “Validity of Dynamics in Testing the Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis: OECD Evidence,” International Economics and Finance Journal, 7(1), 209–225. (EconLit)
  10. Wang, Yi-Chia* (2012), “An Empirical Survey of Testing the Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis,” International Economics and Finance Journal, 7(1), 169–207. (EconLit)
  11. Wang, Yi-Chia* (2012), “Short- and Long-run Environmental Kuznets Curve: Case Studies of Sulfur Emissions in OECD Countries,” International Journal of Economic Research, 9(1), 1–16. (EconLit). [NSC Project Support – NSC 99-2410-H-029-016-]
  12. Wang, Yi-Chia* and Yih-Chyi Chuang (2011), “Environmental Resilience and Economic Growth: Command Economy’s Optimization and Environmental Kuznets Curve,” Economic Modelling, 28(6), 2854–2861. (EconLit, SSCI). [NSC Project Support – NSC 99-2410-H-029-016-]
  13. Kam, Timothy* and Yi-Chia Wang (2008), “Public Capital Spillovers and Growth Revisited: A Long-run and Dynamic Structural Analysis,” Economic Record, 84(266), 378–392. (EconLit, SSCI)


    1. 王宜甲、李洳瑄 (2024/5), “Depression Population and Influencing Factors in Taiwan A Macro-Level Study,” 臺灣人口學會 2024 年會暨「蛻變社會下的人口與家庭議題」學術研討會議,臺北市。
    2. 王宜甲、蘇泓霖 (2023/12), “Unraveling Exogenous Shocks, Financial Stress, and US Economic Performance,” 臺灣經濟學會2023年年會,新北市。
    3. 王宜甲、林靜宜 (2023/5)。「從數據分析看臺灣犯罪與毒品犯罪的交錯現象」,2023犯罪防制學術研討會。桃園市。
    4. 王宜甲、林心怡 (2017/12)。「臺灣跨世代所得移轉與傳遞」,臺灣經濟學會2017年年會。新竹市。
    5. 陳建宇、王宜甲 (2016/12)。「勞動市場政策支出與失業率的互動關係──以OECD國家為例」。臺灣經濟學會2016年年會。臺北市。
    6. Wang, Yi-Chia (2016/7), “Optimal Resource Allocation on Physical and Human Capital: Theoretical Modelling and Empirical Case Study of the United States,” Australian Conference of Economists, Adelaide, Australia.
    7. Wang, Yi-Chia (2015), “Without Scale Effects, Does Population Growth Matter?” Australian Conference of Economists, Brisbane, Australia.
    8. Wang, Yi-Chi (2014), “Evidence of Public Capital Spillovers and Endogenous Growth in Taiwan,” Joint Econometric Society Australasian and Australian Conference of Economists Meeting, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.


  1. 行政院國家科學委員會 (NSC 102-2410-H-305-071-),「私部門資本累積、公部門資本外溢與經濟成長」,2013。
  2. 行政院國家科學委員會 (NSC 101-2410-H-029-009-),「外資直接投資、技術外溢效果與經濟成長」,2012。
  3. 行政院國家科學委員會 (NSC 100-2410-H-029-052-),「資訊通信科技資本對高所得國家生產力之貢獻」,2011。
  4. 行政院國家科學委員會 (NSC 99-2410-H-029-016-),「高所得國家長短期之環保顧志耐曲線:以二氧化硫為例」,2010。
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