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This website is based on the design principle of accessibility and uses keyboard shortcuts to strengthen the browsing convenience Layout is divided in 3 areas:
  • 1.main menu zone at the top
  • 2.the content zone at the center
  • 3.the menu zone on the left side (part of the pages)
The Accesskey of this Website is set as follows:
  • Alt +U:The top of the main menu links area. Include mainly home, sitemap, website link, language.
  • Alt +B:Bottom link area of this website, include main navigation.
  • Alt +C:Main content area shows the content of each page.
  • Alt +L:Navigating function area at left side, this frame lists the main links of this website.
※Note - The way of accessing the shortcut key is varying in different browsers:
  • Firefox:Alt + Shift + Accesskey
  • Mac:Control + Alt + Accesskey Tab:Pauses after this label, may move using the Tab key to the content page glances over this material.
  • Tab + Shift:Presses Tab + Shift to be possible the round trip migration to the previous material.
Sanxia Campus |Undergraduate, MA, Ph.D.
  • No. 151, University Rd., Sanxia Dist., New Taipei City 237303, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
  • 02-8674-1111 # 67160、67161
  • 02-26739880
  • econ@mail.ntpu.edu.tw
Taipei Campus|Undergraduate (Extension Education)
  • No. 67, Sec. 3, Minsheng E. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104380, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
  • 02-2502-4654 # 18120、18121、18122
  • econ@mail.ntpu.edu.tw
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