General Exam and Ph.D. Dissertation Defense
- Application of Doctoral Program Thesis Defense (since Academic Year 2017)
- Appliction of Doctoral Degree Candidate Qualification Exam of National Taipei University
- Application of Thesis Proposal Defense for Doctoral Program Student of the Department of Economics, National Taipei University
- Notification of Thesis Proposal Defense Result for Doctoral Program Student of the Department of Economics, National Taipei University
- Application of Gerenal Exam for Doctoral Program of the Department of Economics, National Taipei University
- Application of Changing Thesis Defense for Graduate and Ph.D. Student of National Taipei University
- Notification of Graduate and Ph.D. Student Thesis Defense Outcome of National Taipei University
- Notification of Passing Doctoral Degree Canditate Qualification Examination
- Notification of Changing Thesis Advisor of Doctoral Program Student of National Taipei University