- Copyright
For accepted manuscripts, the authors shall complete the “Journal Publishing Agreement” to transfer the right of public dissemination to Taipei Economic Inquiry. The Agreement will be sent to the authors through e-mail. The authors of the published article are entitled to ten reprints of the article and one copy of the issue in which their articles are included.
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The main text should be double-spaced and single-columned, with 1 inch of left/right margins and 1.5 inches of top/bottom margins. The font size for the main text shall be set at 12pt. Bold or italic fonts, subscripts and superscripts can be employed when necessary.
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To avoid typos, the authors are strongly encouraged to spell-check and to grammar-check the manuscript.
- Sections and Numbering
The manuscripts should be divided into clearly defined and numbered sections. Subsections should be numbered as 1.1, 1.2…etc. The pattern applies for subsubsections and beyond. The numbering can also be used for internal cross-reference. Titles of the sections and subsections…etc. should appear in their own separate lines.
- Footnotes
Footnotes should be used carefully and numbered consecutively in superscripts. They should appear single-spaced at the bottom of the page on which they are referenced. A smaller font size is usually adopted.
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Mathematical expressions, with the exception of particularly short ones, should be displayed in separate lines from the text. Equations should be indented and numbered consecutively on the right margin using Arabic numerals in parentheses. For simple inline formulae, please present them in a format that preserves the spacing, e.g. express fractions as X/Y. Please display the mathematical expressions such that it is clearly distinguished from the text, e.g. italicize the variables, express the exponential function in Y = exp(X) instead of Y = eX…etc.
- Tables
Tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals. Each table embedded in the manuscript should have a title followed by a descriptive legend. The caption of the table and the headings of columns and rows should be clear and reasonable. Footnotes to the table should be indicated with superscript lowercase letters and placed below the table body.
- Figures
Figures should be numbered with Arabic numerals. Each figure embedded in the manuscript should have a title followed by a descriptive legend. Symbols and/or abbreviations can be explained in the figure caption.
- References
Please make sure that every reference cited in the text is presented in the reference list and vice versa. References in the text should appear as "Jensen and Meckling (1976) report that..." or as "(Reece, 1979; Smith et al., 1995; Yen, 2002)." The complete list of references should be included at the end the manuscript, following the format described below.
A) Journal Articles
a) Published Articles
Author Last Name, First Name (Year), “Article Title,” Journal Title, Volume: No (Issue number if applicable), page numbers.
With two or more authors, only the first author’s name is inverted and a comma must be placed before and after the first author’s first name initials. Use “and” between authors’ names.
Acemoglu, D. (2002), “Technical Change, Inequality, and the Labor Market,” Journal of Economic Literature, 40:1, 7–72.
Baker, G. R. G. and K. J. Murphy (2002), "Relational Contracts and the Theory of the Firm," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 117:1, 39–84.
Kainuma, M., Y. Matsuoka and T. Mortia (1999), “Analysis of Post-Kyoto Scenarios: The Asian-Pacific Integrated Model,” The Cost of the Kyoto Protocol: A Multi-Model Evaluation, Energy Journal, Special Issue, 207-221.
b) Forthcoming Articles
The year of publication should read “forthcoming.”
Bikhchandani, S. and J. M. Ostroy (forthcoming), “Ascending Price Vickery Auctions,” Games and Economic Behavior.
c) Others
The Economist (2003), “Imitating Property Is Theft,” 8324, 52-54.
B) Books
a) A Book
Author Last Name, First Name (Year), Book Title, City of publication: Publisher. With two or more authors, only the first author’s name is inverted and a comma must be placed before and after the first author’s first name initials. Use “and” between authors’ names.
Friedman, T. L. (2005), The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century, New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Helpman, E. and P. Krugman (1985), Market Structure and Foreign Trade: Increasing Returns, Imperfect Competition, and the International Economy, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
b) A Chapter in a Book
Author Last Name, First Name (Year), “Chapter or Article Title,” in Book Title, followed by ed. and editors’ names, and page numbers, City of publication: Publisher.
Freeman, R. B. (1993), “How Much Has De-Unionization Contributed to the Rise in Male Earnings Equality?” in Uneven Tide: Rising Income Inequality in America, ed. S. Danzinger and P. Gottschalk, 133–63, New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
c) Reprint or Modern Editions:
When emphasizing the earlier date: Author Last Name, First Name (Earlier printing date), Title, City of publication: Publisher, Later date.
When emphasizing the later date: Author Last Name, First Name (Later printing date), Title, City of publication: Publisher, (Orig. pub. date).
Rawls, J. (1971), A Theory of Justice, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press,1999.
Rawls, J. (1999), A Theory of Justice, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press,(Orig. pub. 1971).
d) Editions other than the First
When an edition other than the first is used or cited, the number or description of the edition follows the title in the listing.
Strunk, W. Jr. and E. B. White (2000), The Elements of Style, 4th ed., New York: Allyn and Bacon.
e) Others
IPCC/UNEP/OECD/IEA (1997), revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Paris: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, United Nations Environmental Programme, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, International Energy Agency.
WHO (1980), The International Classification of Diseases.
C) Multivolume Works
Multivolume works include those published over several years or in a single year, such as encyclopedias.
Kohama, H. ed. (2003), Asian Development Experience, Vol. 1, External Factors in Asian Development. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.
Kusuoka, S. and A. Yamazaki ed. (2006), Advances in Mathematical Economics, 8, New York: Springer.
Mokyr, J. ed. (2003), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History, 5 Vols, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
D) Unpublished Papers
a) Working Papers
Author Last Name, First Name (Year), “Title,” Type of Working Paper (such as institution, working series title) and number.
Drazen, A., N. Limao and T. Stratmann (2004), “Political Contribution Caps and Lobby Formation: Theory and Evidence,” NBER Working Paper No. 10928.
Heidhues, P. and B. Koszegi (2005), “The Impact of Consumer Loss Aversion on Pricing,” Centre for Economic Policy Research Discussion Paper 4849.
b) Lectures and Papers Presented at Meetings
Author Last Name, First Name (Year), “Title,” paper presented at followed by meeting name, place, and city where lecture/meeting took place.
Romer, C. D. and D. H. Romer (2006), “The Evolution of Economic Understanding and Postwar Stabilization Policy,” Presented at the Rethinking Stabilization Policy Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas Symposium, Jackson Hole, WY.
Goldin, C. (2006), “The Quiet Revolution That Transformed Women’s Employment, Education, and Family,” Presented at the annual meeting of the Allied Social Science Associations, Boston.
c) Unpublished Papers on Web Sites
Author Last Name, First Name (Year), “Title,” Web address.
Please provide a URL that links to the full text of the article.
Ciorba, U., A. Lanza and F. Pauli (2001), “Kyoto Protocol and Emission Trading: Does the U.S. Make a Difference?” FEEM Working Paper No. 90, http://ssrn.com/abstract=29366.