:::![Wen-Chung Guo](https://econ.ntpu.edu.tw/storage/images/ZlP7DHjLRh8IeahmFoT1EMxkmCgaxYtguN76FqiW.jpg)
Wen-Chung Guo
Professor and Department Chair
![Wen-Chung Guo](https://econ.ntpu.edu.tw/storage/images/ZlP7DHjLRh8IeahmFoT1EMxkmCgaxYtguN76FqiW.jpg)
Finance, Money, and Economic Growth
Industrial and Public Economics
Industrial and Public Economics
Professional Experience
借調國家通訊傳播委員會委員 (2016/08~2020/07)
國立臺北大學經濟學系副教授 (2011/08~2018/07)
國立臺北大學 社會科學學院兼任院長秘書 (2010/08~2013/07)
國立臺北大學 經濟學系專任助理教授 (2004/08-2011/07)
國立臺灣大學國際企業學系兼任助理教授 (2004/08-2007/07)
元智大學財務金融學系專任助理教授 (1999/02-2004/07)
Stanford University訪問學者 (2003 Summer)
台灣經濟研究院助理研究員 (1994/12-1995/06, 1996/1-1996/6)
國立臺北大學經濟學系副教授 (2011/08~2018/07)
國立臺北大學 社會科學學院兼任院長秘書 (2010/08~2013/07)
國立臺北大學 經濟學系專任助理教授 (2004/08-2011/07)
國立臺灣大學國際企業學系兼任助理教授 (2004/08-2007/07)
元智大學財務金融學系專任助理教授 (1999/02-2004/07)
Stanford University訪問學者 (2003 Summer)
台灣經濟研究院助理研究員 (1994/12-1995/06, 1996/1-1996/6)
Ph.D. in Economics, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Microeconomics、Financial Economics、Public Economics、Industrial Organization、Spatial Economics
Journal Articles
Conference Papers
- ” FinanCI]al Inclusion of SMEs and Bank Risk in a Spatial Oligopoly ,” Wen-Chung Guo and Ping-Lun Tseng (2021, Dec), 2021年台灣經濟學會年會, 東吳大學,臺灣。
- ” New Media and Political Competition: A Locational Analysis ,” Wen-Chung Guo and Fu-Chuan Lai (2021 Oct.), 11th Asian Seminar in Regional SCI]ence, Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan.
- ” 新冠肺炎,防疫措施,與銀行事後監督誘因,”曾秉倫與郭文忠, (2020, Dec), 2020年台灣經濟學會年會, 淡江大學,新北市,臺灣。
- ” 金融科技、房屋價格、與銀行審核誘因,”曾秉倫與郭文忠, (2019, Dec), 2019年台灣經濟學會年會, 輔仁大學,新北市,臺灣。
- ” 金融科技,放款市場競爭,與銀行風險,”曾秉倫與郭文忠, (2018, Dec), 2018年台灣經濟學會年會, 中華經濟研究院,台北,臺灣。
- ” Horizontal Merger with Digital Services , Wen-Chung Guo and Fu-Chuan Lai (2017, Dec.), 2017年台灣經濟學會年會, 清華大學,臺灣。
- ” Credit Market Competition and Bank Risk in a Mixed Oligopoly ,” Ping-Lun Tseng and Wen-Chung Guo (2016, Dec), 2016年台灣經濟學會年會, 臺灣大學,臺灣。.
- ” Spatial Price Discrimination with Online Competition ,” Fu-Chuan Lai and Wen-Chung Guo (2015, Nov), 62nd Annual North American Meetings of the Regional SCI]ence AssoCI]ation International, 2015, Portland, USA.
- ” Where to Locate in Main Global Markets?” Wen-Chung Guo , Fu-Chuan Lai, Chia-Ming Yu (2015, Nov), 62nd Annual North American Meetings of the Regional SCI]ence AssoCI]ation International, 2015, Portland, USA.
- ” Media Bias , Political Competition, and Voting PartiCI]pation,” Wen-Chung Guo and Fu-Chuan Lai (2015, Jul), 90th Annual Conference of Western Economic AssoCI]ation International, 2015, and 2014年台灣經濟學會年會(2014, Dec.).
- ” Prices , Locations, and Welfare in the Competition between Online and Brick-and-Mortar Retailers,” Wen-Chung Guo and Fu-Chuan Lai (2013, Jul), 13TH SAET (SoCI]ety of Advances on Economic Theory) Conference, Paris, France.
- ” Media Bias , Slant Regulation, and the Public-Interest Media,” Wen-Chung Guo and Fu-Chuan Lai (2013, May), 2013 中山大學政治經濟研討會, 中山大學,高雄,台灣.
- ” Advertisements and Media Bias ," Wen-Chung Guo, Fu-Chuan Lai (2012, Dec), 台灣經濟學會2012年年會, 國立中央大學,中壢、台灣.
- ” Physical Stores vs. an Internet Store in Urban and Rural Areas ," Wen-Chung Guo and Fu-Chuan Lai (2012, Nov), 2012第四屆網路與產業經濟學研討會, 東華大學,花蓮,台灣.
- ” Where to Locate in a CI]rcular CI]ty with a Foreign Market? ," Wen-Chung Guo and Fu-Chuan Lai (2012, Oct), 2012全球經濟發展學術研討會, 淡江大學,新北市,台灣.
- ” A Two-Sided Market Analysis on Media Bias ," Wen-Chung Guo and Fu-Chuan Lai (2012, Jun). The AssoCI]ation for Public Economic Theory 13th Annual Conference, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
- ” Government and Private Employment , Wages, and SoCI]al Welfare in a Hotelling Oligopsony,” Wen-Chung Guo and Fu-Chuan Lai, Econometric SoCI]ety Australasian Meeting 2011, 4-7 July, 2011 (Adelaide, Australia).
- ” Prices and Welfare on a Competition Among One Online Firm and Brick-and-Morter Firms Wen-Chung Guo and Fu-Chuan Lai , 網路拍賣與貿易仲介經濟研討會,2011/09/23-24 (於臺灣嘉義中正大學).
- ” Spatial Price Discrimination and Location Choice with Labor Markets ,”賴孚權、郭文忠, 台灣經濟學會 2011年會, 2011年12月17日 (臺灣新北市臺北大學).
- ” Access to Internet and Income Distribution ,” Wen-Chung Guo and Fu-Chuan Lai, 2010第二屆網路與產業經濟學研討會, 2010年11月18-19日 (臺灣花蓮東華大學).
- ” CI]ties with Connections” ,賴孚權、郭文忠、劉崇堅、麥朝成,台灣經濟學會2009年年會,2009年12月19日(臺灣臺北市東吳大學).
- ” Investment in Technological Innovations with a Jump Process ," Wen-Chung Guo, Chang-Chun Cheng and Yijen Wang, 2009 Far East and South Asia Meeting of the Econometric SoCI]ety (Tokoyo), (2009-08-03-2009-08-05)
- ” Asset Prices and Trading Volume with Risk-Averse Speculators and Heterogeneous Expectations ," Wen-Chung Guo and Ho-Mou Wu, International Conference on Economic SCI]ence with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents, SoCI]ety for Economic SCI]ence with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents (Warsaw), 2008-06-19.
- ” 新產品研發的網絡價值” ,徐學忍、郭文忠,台灣經濟學會2008年年會,2008-12-20。
- ” Time-to-Market and Strategic Alliances for Research ,” Hsueh-Jen Hsu and Wen-Chung Guo, 82nd Western Economic AssoCI]ation International Annual Conference, 2007 Seattle, USA.
- ” Human Capital , Compensation Scheme and Performance of Biotech Firm,” Wen-Chung Guo, Shin-Rong Shiah-Hou and Wei-Jer Chien, The R&D Management Conference 2006 Taiwan.
- ” Return Dispersion , Herd Behavior and High-Tech Mania in Taiwan Market,”Wen-Chung Guo and Hsiu-Ting Shih, 2004 AsFA/TFA/FMA Conference.
- ” Do Margin Trades Destabilize the Markets? The Taiwanese Experience” Chin-Wen Hsin and Wen-Chung Guo , The 11th Annual Conference on PaCI]fic Basin Finance, Economics and Accounting, 2003.
- ” Herd Behavior and High-Tech Mania: Evidence from the Stock Market ,” Wen-Chung Guo and Hsiu-Ting Shih, 2003 Econometric SoCI]ety Australia Meeting, 2003 PaCI]fic Rim Conference for Western Economic AssoCI]ation International (Also included in 2002中華金融學會年會論文集).
- ” Testing for Short Termism and Over-Valuation in the U.S. Stock Market ,” Ray Y. Chou and Wen-Chung Guo, Seventh PaCI]fic Basin Finance, Economics and Accounting Conference and 2002 the XI International “Tor Vergata” Conference on Banking and Finance.
- ” Effects of Speculation on Asset Prices and Trading Volume in a Large Economy ,” Ho-Mou Wu and Wen-Chung Guo, 2002 SITE (Stanford Institute of Theoretical Economics) Summer Conference, The Twelfth PACAP/FMA Conference and The Ninth Conference on The Theories and Practices of Security and FinanCI]al Markets, and 2003 Econometric SoCI]ety European Meeting.
- ” Impacts of Speculative Trading on Stock Return Volatility: The Evidence from Taiwan ,” Shin, C.W., W.C. Guo, S.S., Seng, W.C. Luo, 2002 APFA/PACAP/FMA Finance Conference.
- ” Competition of New Technology Adoption under Demand Uncertainty ,” Wen-Chung Guo, Hsueh-Jen Hsu and Yueh-Lung Chiang, 2001 Econometric SoCI]ety Australasian Conference. (Also included in 2001年科技與管理學術研討會論文集).
- ” Asset PriCI]ng with Speculative Trading ,” Ho-Mou Wu and Wen-Chung Guo, 1999 SITE (Stanford Institute of Theoretical Economics) Summer Conference, 1998 Econometric SoCI]ety Winter Conference, and The Seventh Conference on The Theories and Practices of Security and FinanCI]al Markets [with the best paper reward].
- ” 金融服務品質及分行通路競爭,” 郭文忠 曾秉倫, 2005台灣經濟學會年會及第10屆經濟發展學術研討會
- “交互授權的選擇對研發策略聯盟形成均衡的影響”, 徐學忍、郭文忠,第二屆全國應用經濟學術研討會及世新經濟2003年學術研討會。
- “指數選擇權市場過度反應現象之探討”,姚秉榮,郭文忠,第四屆全國實證經濟學論文研討會,2003。
- “由經濟趨勢探討桃園縣之經濟發展及投資”,郭文忠,2003邁向工業區管理及發展研討會。
- “產業研發聯盟與政府產業政策”,徐學忍、郭文忠,第六屆經濟發展學術研討會、2001年科技與管理學術研討會論文集及2002經濟部技術處學界科專非技術領域學術研討會論文集。
- “我國發展生技產業之優劣勢探討-與電子產業之比較”,郭文忠、徐學忍,2002經濟部技術處學界科專非技術領域學術研討會論文集。
- “基金、外資及散戶之投資行為探討”,施生元、郭文忠,2001年中華金融學會年會暨兩岸金融學術研討會論文集。
- “認購權證市場之過度反應現象探討”,郭文忠、許雅恩,2001年財務金融學術暨實務研討會。