國立臺北大學經濟學系教授 (2023/02~)
Chih-Nan Chen
Finance, Money, and Economic Growth
Human Capital, Resource, and Environmental Economics
Human Capital, Resource, and Environmental Economics
Professional Experience
國立臺北大學經濟學系副教授 (2016/02~2023/01)
國立臺北大學經濟學系助理教授 (2011/08~2016/01)
國立臺北大學經濟學系助理教授 (2011/08~2016/01)
Ph.D. in Economics, Boston University, U.S.A.
Financial Economics、International Finance、Health Economics
Journal Articles
- Chien-Hsiu Lin and Chih-Nan Chen﹐”Time-varying Transitional Dynamics of Macroeconomic Determinants on Carry Trade﹐”經濟研究﹐ In Press ﹐2022/3﹐ (TSSCI)
- Chih-Nan Chen;Chien-Hsiu Lin﹐”Optimal Carry Trade Portfolio Choice under Regime Shifts﹐”Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting﹐ Online ﹐2022/3﹐ (SCOPUS, Econlit)
- Chih-Nan Chen and Chien-Hsiu Lin﹐”The sources of pricing factors underlying the cross-section of currency returns﹐”The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance﹐ Vol.77 ﹐2020/8﹐ PP.250~265. (SSCI)
- Yei-Whei Lin and Chih-Nan Chen﹐”The Agency and Well-being of Taiwan s Middle-school Adolescents with Disabilities: A Capability Approach Study﹐”International Journal of Disability, Development and Education﹐ Online ﹐2020/3﹐ (SSCI)
- Yei-Whei Lin, Chih-Nan Chen and Kunpeng Zhao﹐”The Capability Approach to Adolescent Poverty in China: the Profile, Decomposition and Predictors of Deprivation﹐”Child Indicators Research﹐ Vol.13 No.1 ﹐2020/2﹐ PP.255~277. (SSCI)
- Chih-nan Chen and Yei-Whei Lin﹐”Well-being dynamics among poor children and young people in Taiwan: Capability approach-based investigation﹐”Children and Youth Services Review﹐ Vol.10 No.8 ﹐2020/1﹐ (SSCI)
- Yei-Whei Lin and Chih-Nan Chen﹐”The capability approach to the wellbeing of poor adolescents a Taiwanese case study﹐”Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development﹐ Vol.27 No.2 ﹐2017/6﹐ PP.96~110. (SSCI)
- 程智男、林建秀、尤保傑﹐”有效匯率預測模型與避險績效比較”﹐應用經濟論叢﹐ 第99卷 ﹐2016/6﹐ 第37~46頁. (TSSCI)
- Benjamin L Cook, Giyeon Kim, Kari Lock Morgan, Chih-Nan Chen, Anna Nillni, Margarita Alegría﹐”Measuring Geographic “Hot Spots” of RacialEthnic Disparities An Application to Mental Health Care﹐”Journal of Health Care Poor Underserved﹐ Vol.27 No.2 ﹐2016/5﹐ PP.663~684. (SSCI)
- Chih-Nan Chen;Tai-Hsin Huang;Chien-Hsiu Lin﹐”Financing Decision and Productivity Growth for the Venture Capital Industry in Taiwan﹐”Review of pacific basin financial markets and policies﹐ Vol.16 No.2 ﹐2013/6﹐ PP.1~19.
- Chen, Chih-Nan, Watanabe, Tsutomu & Yabu. Tomoyoshi﹐”A new method for identifying the effects of foreign exchange interventions﹐”Journal of Money Credit and Banking﹐ Vol.44 No.8 ﹐2012/12﹐ PP.1507~1533. (SSCI)
- Bauer, A. M., Chen, C.-N., Alegria, M.﹐”Prevalence of physical symptoms and their association with race/ethnicity and acculturation in the United States﹐”General Hospital Psychiatry.﹐ Vol.34 No.4 ﹐2012/7﹐ PP.323~331. (SSCI, SCIE)
- Alegria, M., Lin, J., Chen, C.-N., Duan, N., Cook, B., Meng, X.-L.﹐”The impact of insurance coverage in diminishing racial and ethnic disparities in behavioral health services﹐”Health Servces Research﹐ Vol.47 No.3 ﹐2012/6﹐ PP.1322~1344. (SSCI, SCIE)
- Tummala-Narra, P., Alegria, M., and Chen, C.-N.﹐”Perceived discrimination, acculturative stress, and depression among South Asians: Mixed findings﹐”Asian American Journal of Psychology﹐ Vol.3 No.1 ﹐2012﹐ PP.3~16.
- Carson, N.J., Cook. B.L., Chen, C.-N., Alegria, M.﹐”Racial/ethnic differences in video game and internet use among US adolescents with mental health and educational difficulties.﹐”Journal of Children and Media﹐ Vol.6 No.4 ﹐2012﹐ PP.450~468.
- Mulvaney-Day, N., DeAngelo, D., Chen, C.-N., Cook, B., Alegria, M.﹐”Unmet need for treatment for substance use disorders across race and ethnicity.﹐”Drug and Alcohol Dependence﹐ Vol.125 No.1 ﹐2012﹐ PP.44~50. (SCI)
- Bauer, A.M., Chen, C.-N., Alegria, M.﹐”Associations of physical symptoms with perceived need for and use of mental health services among Latino and Asian Americans.﹐”Social Science & Medicine﹐ Vol.75 No.6 ﹐2012﹐ PP.1128~1133. (SSCI)
- Molina, K.M., Alegria, M., Chen, C.-N.﹐”Neighborhood context and substance use disorders: A comparative analysis of racial and ethnic groups in the United States﹐”Drug and Alcohol Dependence﹐ Vol.125 ﹐2012﹐ PP.35~43. (SCI)
- Molina, K.M., Chen, C-N., Alegria, M., & Li, H.﹐”Prevalence of neurasthenia, comorbidity, and association with impairment among a nationally representative sample of U.S. Adults﹐”Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology﹐ Accepted ﹐2012﹐ (SSCI)
- Rosen-Reynoso, M., Alegria,M., Chen, C.-N., Laderman, M., and Roberts, R.﹐”The relationship between obesity and psychiatric disorders across ethnic and racial minority groups in the United States﹐”Eating Behaviors﹐ Vol.12 No.1 ﹐2011﹐ PP.1~8.
- Polo, A. J., Alegria, M., Chen, C.-N., Blanco, C.﹐”The prevalence and comorbidity of social anxiety disorder among United States Latinos: A retrospective analysis of data from 2 national surveys﹐”The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry﹐ Vol.72 No.8 ﹐2011﹐ PP.1096~1105. (SSCI, SCI)
- Marques, L., Alegria, M., Becker, A. E., Chen, C.-N., Fang, A., Chosak, A., Belo Diniz, J.﹐”Comparative prevalence, correlates of impairment, and service utilization for eating disorders across US ethnic groups: Implications for reducing ethnic disparities in health care access for eating disorders﹐”International Journal of Eating Disorders﹐ Vol.44 No.4 ﹐2011﹐ PP.412~420. (SSCI, SCI)
- Escobar, J. L., Cook, B., Chen, C.-N., Gara, M. A., Alegria, M., Interian, A., Diaz, E.﹐”Whether medically unexplained or not, three or more concurrent somatic symptoms predict psychopathology and service use in community populations﹐”Journal of Psychosomatic Research﹐ Vol.69 No.1 ﹐2010﹐ PP.1~8. (SSCI, SCI)
- Bauer, A. M., Chen, C.-N., Alegria, M﹐”English language proficiency and mental health service use among Latino and Asian Americans with mental disorders﹐”Medical Care﹐ Vol.48 No.12 ﹐2010﹐ PP.1097~1104. (SSCI, SCI)
- Mulvaney-Day, N. E., Horvitz-Lennon, M., Chen, C.-N., Laderman, M. and Alegria, M.﹐”Valuing health in a racially and ethnically diverse community sample: An analysis using the valuation metrics of money and time﹐”Quality of Life Research﹐ Vol.19 No.10 ﹐2010﹐ PP.1529~1540. (SCI)
- Jimenez, D., Alegria, M., Chen, C.-N., Chan, D., Laderman, M.﹐”Prevalence of psychiatric illnesses in older ethnic minority adults﹐”Journal of the American Geriatrics Society﹐ Vol.58 No.2 ﹐2010﹐ PP.256~264. (SSCI, SCI)
- Suarez, L., Polo, A., Chen, C.-N., & Alegria, M.﹐”Prevalence and correlates of childhood-onset anxiety disorders among Latinos and non-Latino whites in the United States﹐”Psicologica Conductal﹐ Vol.17 No.1 ﹐2009﹐ PP.89~109.
- Duan, N., Meng, X.-L., Lin, J. Y., Chen, C.-N., & Alegria, M.﹐”Disparities in defining disparities: Statistical conceptual frameworks﹐”Statistics in Medicine﹐ Vol.27 No.20 ﹐2008﹐ PP.3941~3956. (SCI)
- Alegria, M., Canino, G., Shrout, P., Woo, M., Duan, N., Vila, D., Torres, M., Chen, C.-N., & Meng, X.-L.﹐”Prevalence of mental illness in immigrant and non-immigrant U.S. Latino groups﹐”American Journal of Psychiatry﹐ Vol.165 No.3 ﹐2008﹐ PP.359~69. (SSCI, SCI)
- Alegria, M., Chatterji, P., Wells, K., Cao, Z., Chen, C.-N., Takeuchi, D., Jackson, J., and Meng, X.-L.﹐”Disparity in depression treatment among racial and ethnic minority populations in the United States﹐”Psychiatric Services﹐ Vol.59 No.11 ﹐2008﹐ PP.1264~1272. (SSCI, SCI)
Conference Papers
- Chih-Nan Chen and Chien-Hsiu Lin﹐”Understanding the sources of pricing factors﹐台灣經濟學會”﹐新北市, 台灣﹐2019/12﹐英文.
- Chih-Nan Chen﹐”Using Bayesian Statistical Inference to Improve the Measurement of Adequacy of mental health care utilization in a Nationally Representative Sample﹐Joint Statistical Meetings”﹐Boston, U.S.A.﹐2014/8﹐英文.
- Chih-Nan Chen and Chien-Hsiu Lin﹐”Optimal Carry Trade Portfolio Choice under Regime Shifts﹐台灣經濟學會”﹐台北市, 台灣﹐2013/12﹐英文.
- Chen, C.-N., Duan, N., Meng, X.-L. & Alegria, M﹐”Power-Shrinkage and Trimming: Two Ways to Mitigate Excessive Weights﹐ASA Proceedings of the Joint Statistical Meetings”﹐Seattle, Washington, USA﹐2006/8﹐英文.
- Liu, J., X.-L. Meng, M. Alegria & Chen, C.-N.﹐”Multiple Imputation for Response Biases in NLAAS Due to Survey Instruments﹐ASA Proceedings of the Joint Statistical Meetings”﹐Seattle, Washington, USA﹐2006/8﹐英文.
- Meng, X.-L., M. Alegria, C.-N. Chen & Jingchen Liu﹐”A nonlinear hierarchical model for estimating prevalence rates with small samples﹐ASA Proceedings of the Joint Statistical Meetings”﹐Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA﹐2005/8﹐英文.