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Tsung-Chen Lee


Tsung-Chen Lee
Professor, Department of Economics, National Taipei University (2015/08 ~ present)
Board Member, Taiwan Association of Environmental and Resource Economics (2018 ~ present)
Editorial Board, Journal of Taiwan Energy
Future Earth Taipei, Urban Working Group Member
Human Capital, Resource, and Environmental Economics
Professional Experience
Editorial Board, Journal of International Logistics and Trad
Editorial Board, Agriculture and Economics
Editorial Board, Frontiers in Built Environment
Dean, Office of International Affairs, National Taipei University (2017~2020)
Director, Center for Global Change and Sustainability Science, National Taipei University (2017~2020)
Director, Alumni Center, National Taipei University (2015~2017)
Secretary of Vice President, National Taipei University (2013~2015)
Executive Secretary, Center for Global Change and Sustainability Science, National Taipei University (2012~2015)
Associate Professor, Department of Economics, National Taipei University (2011~2015)
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, National Taipei University (2003~2011)
Teaching Assistant for Web-Based Course on GTAP Model, Purdue University and Cornell University (2002)
Teaching Assistant for “Econometrics” (Graduate Course), Cornell University (2000)
Research Assistant, Cornell University (2000~2002)
Ph.D. in Applied Economics and Management Science, Cornell University, U.S.A.
(02)86741111 ext. 67131


International Trade、Environmental Economics

Journal Articles

A. Special Issue Editorial

  1. Lee, T.C., K.C. Hu, and P.T.W. Lee (2015), Editorial, Special Issue on “Trade and Logistics in an Era of Asian Integration,” Journal of International Logistics and Trade, 3(3).

B. Journal Papers

  1. Wu, Y.H., and T.C. Lee* (2024), “Designing a cost-effective policy mix for transition toward net-zero emissions: a case study of the mid-term plan by 2035 of Taiwan,” Carbon Management, 15(1). (SSCI, SCIE)
  2. Lee, T.C., C.W. Yang, W.Z. Miao (2023), “Economy-Wide Impact Analysis on Renewable Energy Industry Supply Chain: A Case Study of Offshore Wind Farms in Taiwan,” Business and Technology Innovation Journal, 3(1), 55-71.
  3. Feng, C.C.,* K.F. Chang, J.X. Lin, T.C. Lee, and S.M. Lin (2022), “Toward green transition in the post Paris Agreement era: The case of Taiwan,” Energy Policy, 165, 112996. (SSCI)
  4. Chung, Y. C.Y., and T.C. Lee* (2020), “Tele-connecting Urban Food Consumption to Land Use at Multiple Spatial Scales: A Case Study of Beef in Taiwan,” Ecological Economics, 169, 106506. (SSCI)
  5. 李叢禎*、丘丞剛、王宜甲(2020),「臺灣縣市糧食消費之土地使用比較分析:土地遠距連接之觀點」。都市與計劃,47(4):323-347。(TSSCI)
  6. 李叢禎*、林冠瑛、王宜甲(2019),「區域經濟成長與環境品質:臺灣降尺度環境顧志耐曲線假說之實證分析」。農業經濟叢刊,25(1):69-104。(EconLit)
  7. 黃書禮、李盈潔、李叢禎、周素卿、林子倫、張昱諄、張學聖、葉佳宗、詹士樑、蔡育新(2018),「接軌「都市化與環境變遷」國際研究—台灣研究議題」。台灣土地研究,21(2),93-110。(TSSCI)
  8. Lee, T.C.,* S.K. Peng, C.T. Yeh, and C.Y. Tseng (2018), “Bottom-up Approach for Downscaling CO2 Emissions in Taiwan: Robustness Analysis and Policy Implications,” Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 61(4), 656-676. (SSCI)
  9. Lee, T.C.,* S.W. Lo, and W.C. Lin (2017), “A Comparison Study on ASEAN-Japan and ASEAN-Korea Free Trade Agreements using CGE Model,” Review of Economics & Finance, 8, 79-95. (EconLit, Scopus) (NSC 102-2410-H-305-055)
  10. H.C. Chen, P. T.W. Lee, S.M. Liu, and T.C. Lee (2017), “Governments' Sequential Facilities Investments and Ports' Pricing Under Service Differentiation and Demand Uncertainty,” International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 9(4), 417-448. (SSCI)
  11. 王思樺、黃書禮、李叢禎*、蕭儀婷(2016),「都市二氧化碳排放變動趨勢之降尺度分析-以台北都會區與高雄市為例」。都市與計畫,43(4),369-394。(TSSCI)
  12. Lee, T.C.,* J.S.L. Lam, and P.T.W. Lee (2016), “Asian Economic Integration and Maritime CO2 Emissions,” Transportation Research Part D, 43, 226-237. (SSCI, JEL, EconLit) (NSC 102-2410-H-305-055)
  13. 李叢禎*、彭信坤 (2015),「因應氣候變遷的都市產業轉型及政策」。都市與計劃,42(1),39-57。(TSSCI)
  14. Lee, T.C.,* H.C. Chen, and S.M. Liu (2015), “Optimal Regulations and Efficiency Losses in Imperfectly Competitive International Emissions Trading,” Strategic Behavior and the Environment, 5, 61-85. (EconLit) (NSC 98-2410-H-305-051)
  15. Lee, T.C.* (2014), “Industry Export Competitiveness and Optimal Quantitative Strategies for International Emissions Trading,” Environmental Economics, 5(4), 24-31. (EconLit)
  16. Lee, T.C.,* Y.T. Chang, and P. T-W Lee (2013), “Economy-Wide Impact Analysis of a Carbon Tax on International Container Shipping,” Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 58, 87-102. (SCI, SSCI, EconLit)
  17. Y. Yang and T.C. Lee* (2013), “Intertemporal Emissions Trading System at International Level,” Environmental Economics, 4(4), 56-64. (EconLit)
  18. Lee, T.C.,* H.C. Chen, and S.M. Liu (2013), “Optimal Intervention Policies in International Emissions Trading Considering Ancillary Benefits of Carbon Abatement,” Energy Studies Review, 20(1), 65-78. (EconLit) (NSC 99-2410-H-305-078)
  19. 李叢禎*、陳奕緻 (2014), 「航空運輸業納入歐盟排放交易體系對臺灣經濟之影響分析」,農業與資源經濟,8(2), 71-100。
  20. Lee, P. T-W, T.C. Lee, T.H. Yang (2013), “Korea-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement: The Implications on Seaborne Trade Volume and Maritime Logistics Policy Development in Korea,” Journal of International Logistics and Trade, 11(1), 43-65. (ABI)
  21. Lee, T.C.,* H.C. Chen, and S.M. Liu (2013), “Optimal Strategic Regulations in International Emissions Trading under Imperfect Competition,” Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 15(1), 39-57. (EconLit) (NSC 99-2410-H-305-078)
  22. Lee, T.C., and P. T-W Lee* (2012), “South-South Trade Liberalisation and Shipping Geography: A Case Study on India, Brazil, and South Africa,” International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 4(4), 323-338. (SSCI)
  23. Lee, P. T-W*, and T.C. Lee (2012), “A New Lease Charging System to Busan Container Terminals: A Historical Case Study,” Maritime Policy & Management, 39(1), 91-105. (SSCI, EconLit)
  24. Lee, T.C., P. T-W Lee*, and T. Chen (2012), “Economic Impact Analysis of Port Development on the South African Economy,” South African Journal of Economics, 80(2), 228-245. (SSCI, EconLit)
  25. Lee, T.C.*, C.H. Wu, and P. T-W Lee (2011), “Impacts of the ECFA on Seaborne Trade Volume and Policy Development for Shipping and Port Industry in Taiwan,” Maritime Policy & Management, 38(2), 169-189. (EconLit, now SSCI)
  26. Lee, T.C.* (2011), “Endogenous Market Structures in Non-Cooperative International Emissions Trading,” Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 16(6), 663-675. (SCI Expanded)
  27. Lee, T.C.* (2009), “Ancillary Benefits of Carbon Mitigation: How Does It Affect Cost Effectiveness of the Annex-1 Emissions Trading?” Energy Studies Review, 16(2), 72-84. (EconLit) (NSC 97-2410-H-305-014)
  28. 李叢禎*(2009),「油價不確定下之儲油策略分析」,農業與資源經濟,6卷2期,103-127。
  29. Lee, T.C.*, C.M. Lee and C.Y. Tseng (2007), “International Emission Trading Approach to Meet the Kyoto Protocol: The Implications of Hot Air Trading on Global Environment and Economy,” Energy Studies Review, 15(2), 66-75. (EconLit)
  30. 李叢禎*、蕭之晴、李堅明、曾瓊瑤(2007),「溫室氣體減量之遵循成本與健康附屬效益」,臺灣經濟預測與政策,37卷3期,1-30。(NSC 93-2415-H-305-007) (TSSCI)
  31. 李堅明*、曾瓊瑤、李叢禎(2007),「清潔發展機制、知識累積與溫室氣體減量策略之研究」,都市與計畫,34卷1期,39-56。(TSSCI)
  32. Wey, K.D.*, T.C. Lee, and S.C. Hong (2007), “Biomass Energy Development and Greenhouse Gas Reduction: An Application of IPCC Model,” Agriculture and Economics(農業與經濟), 38, 67-86. (TSSCI)
  33. 李叢禎*(2007),「我國推行碳排放交易的要件、利基與問題」,碳經濟,7期,11-19。
  34. 李叢禎*、黃明惠(2006),「入會關稅減讓對臺灣地區工資變動之影響:特定要素理論的驗證」,農業經濟半年刊,79期,31-70。(TSSCI)
  35. 李叢禎*、曾瓊瑤、李堅明(2005),「二氧化碳減量成本與策略:台灣參與國際排放交易制度與密集度減量模式之意涵」,經濟研究,41卷2期,155-189。(NSC 93-2415-H-305-007) (TSSCI)

Conference Papers

    1. 林師模、馮君強、李叢禎、林晉勗、張桂鳳 (2022),「科技政策評估一般均衡模型之建構與確認」,台灣經濟學會2022年年會,2022年12月03日,國立政治大學社會科學學院,台北。
    2. Chung, Y. C.Y., T.C, Lee*, and C.Y. Tseng (2017), “Land Teleconnection of Manufacturing Industry in Taiwan: Quantitative Evidence and Policy Implications,” 2017 International Symposium on Business and Management, April 4~6, 2017, International Community House, Kyoto, Japan.
    3. Lee, T.C.* and P. T.W. Lee (2016), “Economic Significance of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor: A Quantitative Analysis,” OBOR Conference 2016, Dec. 1~2, 2016, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia.
    4. Lee, T.C.* (2016), “Economic Significance of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank in Facilitating One Belt One Road: A Quantitative Analysis,” Conference on “Logistics and Maritime Studies on One Belt One Road”, May 10~11, 2016, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
    5. Lee, T.C.*, P. T.W. Lee, M.C. Liu, and C.H. Wu (2015), “Implications of New Generation Free Trade Agreements on Maritime Logistics in Asia: A Case Study of Trans-Pacific Partnership,” Global Port Research Alliance (GPRA), May 21~22, 2015, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
    6. Lee, T.C.*, C.P. Hsieh, M.C. Liu, and C.H. Wu (2015), “Economy-Wide Impact Analysis of the Services Trade Liberalization across the Taiwan Strait,” International Conference on Economic Integration Issues of Two Koreas, January 6, 2015, Soochow University, Taiwan.
    7. Lee, T.C.*, J.S.L. Lam, and P. T.W. Lee (2014), “Asian Economic Integration and Maritime Carbon Emissions,” International Conference on Research Trends of International Trade and Transport Logistics, November 10, 2014, Inha University, Korea.
    8. Lee, T.C.*, S.K. Peng, and C.T. Yeh (2014), “Bottom-Up Urban CO2 Emissions: A Consistency Check with Top-Down National Estimates,” 2nd International UGEC Conference, Taipei, November 6~8, 2014, Taiwan.
    9. 李叢禎*、陳奕緻 (2012),「航空運輸業納入歐盟排放交易體系對台灣經濟之影響分析」,兩岸節能減碳之技術創新與產業發展研討會,2012年11月24~25日,集思交通部國際會議廳,台北市。
    10. Chen, H.C., T. W. P. Lee, S.M. Liu, and T.C. Lee (2012), “Governments’ Sequential Facilities Investments and Ports’ Pricing under Service Differentiation and Demand Uncertainty, ” paper presented at the International Association of Maritime Economists 2012, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC.
    11. Yang, Y., and T.C. Lee* (2011), “Intertemporal Emission Trading at International Level,” 台灣經濟學會2011年年會,2011年12月17日,國立台北大學社會科學學院,新北市。
    12. Lee, P. T-W, T.C. Lee, and T.H. Yang (2011), “Korean Maritime Logistics Policy in an Era of Trade Liberalization: A Case Study of Korea-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement (KAFTA),” paper presented at The 8th Inha – Le Havre International Conference, October 20-21, 2011, Inha University, Incheon, Korea.
    13. Lee, T.C.*, H.C. Chen, and S.M. Liu (2011), “Optimal Regulations and Efficiency Losses in Imperfectly Competitive International Emissions Trading,” paper presented at 2011 EEPSEA-EAAERE Joint Conference, May 18-20, 2011, Hanoi, Vietnam. (國科會出席國際會議補助)
    14. Lee, T.C.*, and P. T-W Lee (2011), “South-South Trade Liberalization and Shipping Geography: A Case Study of IBSA,” paper presented at International Conference of Asian Shipping and Logistics, May 5-6, 2011, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.
    15. 李叢禎*、楊子菡 (2010),「ECFA之經濟影響再評估」,可計算一般均衡模型在產業發展評估之應用研討會,2010年11月10日,國立成功大學社會科學學院,台南。
    16. Lee, T.C.*, C.H. Wu, and P. T-W Lee (2010), “Impacts of the ECFA on Seaborne Trade Volume and Policy Development for Shipping and Port Industry in Taiwan,” paper presented at The 3rd International Conference on Transportation and Logistics, September 6-8, 2010, Fukuoka, Japan.
    17. Lee, T.C.*, H.C. Chen, and S.M. Liu (2010), “Optimal Strategic Regulations in International Emissions Trading under Imperfect Competition,” paper presented at The 1st Congress of East Asian Association on Environment and Resource Economics, August 17-19, 2010, Sapporo, Japan.
    18. Lee, T.C.*, H.C. Chen, and S.M. Liu (2010), “Optimal Regulations and Efficiency Losses in International Emissions Trading Under Different Market Structures,” paper presented at The 1st Congress of East Asian Association on Environment and Resource Economics, August 17-19, 2010, Sapporo, Japan.
    19. Lee, T.C.*, and P. T-W Lee (2010), “Optimal Strategic Emissions Trading and Competitiveness Implications for International Shipping: A Game-Theoretical Perspective,” paper presented at The IAME 2010 Annual Conference, July 7-9, 2010, Lisbon, Portugal.
    20. Lee, P. T-W*, and T.C. Lee (2010), “A New Lease Charging System to Busan Container Terminals: A Historical Case Study,” paper presented at The IAME 2010 Annual Conference, July 7-9, 2010, Lisbon, Portugal.
    21. Chen, H.C.*, S.M. Liu, T.C. Lee, and P. T-W Lee (2010), “Ports’ Competition under Services Differentiation and Uncertainty: Governments’ Simultaneous Moves,” paper presented at The 12th World Conference on Transport Research, July 11-15, Lisbon, Portugal.
    22. Chen, H.C.*, P. T-W Lee, S.M. Liu, and T.C. Lee (2010), “Ports’ Competition Under Services Differentiation and Uncertainty: Governments’ Sequential Moves,” paper presented at The 12th World Conference on Transport Research, July 11-15, Lisbon, Portugal.
    23. Lee, T.C.*, H.C. Chen and S.M. Liu (2009), “Optimal Intervention Policies in International Emissions Trading Considering Ancillary Benefit of Carbon Abatement,” paper presented at The 4th East Asian Symposium on Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, March 2-4, 2009, Taipei, Taiwan.
    24. Lee, T.C.*, and H.C. Chen (2008), “Optimal Intervention in International Emissions Trading Considering Ancillary Benefit of Carbon Abatement,” paper presented at The 3rd East Asian Symposium on Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, February 19-21, 2008, Kunitachi, Japan (國科會出席國際會議補助).
    25. 林幸樺*李叢禎、鄭貴元 (2007),「不完全競爭下國際排放交易之有效性分析」,台灣經濟學會2007年年會,2007年12月22日,國立政治大學社會科學學院,台北。
    26. 李叢禎* (2007),「油價不確定下之儲油策略分析」,2007年第八屆全國實證經濟學論文研討會,2007年5月5日,國立成功大學經濟學系,台南。
    27. 李叢禎*黃敬翔 (2006),「再探貿易自由化之環境效果:污染防治外部規模經濟之意涵」,2006年環境資源經濟、管理暨系統分析學術研討會,2006年9月15日,國立高雄師範大學環境教育研究所,高雄。
    28. 翁培真、徐芳霞、李叢禎 (2006),「台灣入會單邊關稅減讓與開放赴中國大陸投資對國內經濟之影響」,2006第七屆全國實證經濟學論文研討會,2006年5月27日,國立嘉義大學應用經濟學系,嘉義。
    29. Lee, T.C.* (2005), “Trade and Environment Linkages: Optimal Taxation and Welfare-Improving Piecemeal Reforms,” selected paper presented at 2005 Taipei Conference on Taxation: Theory, Policy, and Administration, December 29-30, 2005, Institute of Economics, Academic Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
    30. 李叢禎*、曾瓊瑤(2005),「我國石油安全策略之研議:石油供應安全與價格風險之剖析及因應對策」,發表於永續能源發展與溫室氣體減量:產業衝擊與評估方法研討會,2005年12月21日,喜來登飯店,台北。
    31. Lee, T.C.* (2005), “International Trade and the Environment: Optimal Regulation, Policy Reforms and Its Outcome,” 發表於臺灣經濟學會與北美華人經濟學會2005年聯合年會,2005年12月11日,政治大學商學院,台北。
    32. 李叢禎*、蕭之晴、李堅明、曾瓊瑤(2005),「溫室氣體減量之遵循成本與附屬效益:臺灣實證研究」,發表於2005年環境資源經濟、管理暨系統分析學術研討會,2005年9月23日,中央研究院經濟研究所,台北。(NSC 93-2415-H-305-007)
    33. 李叢禎*、曾瓊瑤、李堅明 (2005),「溫室氣體減量成本與策略:台灣參與國際排放交易制度與密集度減量模式之意涵」,發表於2005年台灣管理學會學術暨實務研討會,2005年7月8日,中國石油公司,台北。(NSC 93-2415-H-305-007)
    34. Lee, T.C.*, C.M. Lee, and C.Y. Tseng (2005), “International Emissions Trading Approach to Meet the Kyoto Protocol: The Implications of Trading Hot Air,” selected paper presented at 28th Annual IAEE International Conference, June 3-6, 2005, The Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan. (NSC 93-2415-H-305-007)
    35. Lee, T.C.* (2004), “Cost-Effective Abatements of Carbon Dioxide Emissions: Why Are They So Different Across Regions?” 臺灣經濟學會2004年年會,2004年12月18日,政治大學社會科學學院,台北。臺灣農業與資源經濟學會2004年年會暨第三屆學術研討會,2004年11月27日,國立中興大學,台中。
    36. Lee, T.C.* (2004), “Renewable Energy: Common Solutions to Climate Change & Air Pollution,” invited paper presented at International Symposium on Sustainable Energy Development and GHG Reduction Policy, October 11-12, 2004, Bureau of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taipei, Taiwan.
    37. Lee, T.C.* and R. Boisvert (2004), “International Trade and Environmental Quality: Do Preference Setting and Structural Change Affect the Welfare Evaluation?” selected paper presented at 2004 Taipei International Conference on Trade, Growth and Economic Dynamics, July 23-24, 2004, Institute of Economics, Academic Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
    38. Lee, T.C.*and R. Boisvert (2004), “Optimal Environmental Policies for Multiple Externalities of Energy: An Empirical Study for the United States,” selected paper presented at the Seventh Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, June 17-19, 2004, World Bank, Washington, D.C., USA (國科會出席國際會議補助).

Books and Collected Papers

  1. 彭信坤、李叢禎、曾俊益(2017),「都市產業發展與CO2排放趨勢:北、高兩都會區之比較」,《臺灣的都市氣候議題與治理》(蕭新煌、周素卿、黃書禮主編)。臺北:臺大出版中心。
  2. 彭信坤、李叢禎、曾俊益(2017),「由產業經濟觀點論國家與都市氣候政策」,《臺灣的都市氣候議題與治理》(蕭新煌、周素卿、黃書禮主編)。臺北:臺大出版中心。
  3. (專書主編)黃書禮、李叢禎* (2015),《全球變遷與永續發展:2015臺灣現況與展望建言》。臺北:國立臺北大學全球變遷與永續科學研究中心。
  4. Lee, P.T.W. and T.C. Lee (2015), “New concepts of economies of flow, connection, and fusion in maritime logistics”, in Lee, P.T.W. & Cullinane, K. (eds.), Dynamic Shipping and Port Developments in the Globalized Economy. Vol. 1: Applying Theory to Practice in Maritime Logistics. England: Palgrave MacMillan.
  5. 李叢禎*、楊子菡 (2012),「ECFA之經濟影響再評估:要素移動性與封閉法則之探討」,《可計算一般均衡模型在產業發展評估之應用》。台南:國立成功大學社會科學院。

Technical Reports and Others


  1. 「都市永續轉型與韌性建構-後疫情時代都市經濟體之永續與韌性轉型研究」,(MOST 111-2621-M-305-001),2022年8月至2025年7月。
  2. 「從土地遠距連接觀點探討後疫情時代都市糧食供應鏈管理策略:臺灣實證研究」,(MOST 110-2410-H-305-059),2021年8月至2022年7月。
  3. 「都市土地遠距連接現象之理論與實證分析: 亞洲四小龍主要都市之比較」,科技部109年度補助專題研究計畫(MOST 109-2410-H-305 -069),2020年8月至2021年7月。
  4. 「考量土地遠距連接下之都市永續經濟發展評估模型」,科技部105年度補助專題研究計畫(MOST 105-2621-M-305 -003 -MY3),2016年8月至2019年7月。
  5. 「國際海洋運輸CO2排放量變動因素解析」,科技部104年度補助專題研究計畫(MOST 104-2410-H-305-064),2015年8月至2016年10月。
  6. 「國際空運及國際海運碳排放管制之經濟影響比較」,科技部103年度補助專題研究計畫(MOST 103-2410-H-305 -075),2014年8月至2015年7月。
  7. 「亞洲經濟整合及海洋運輸碳排放」,國科會102年度補助專題研究計畫(NSC 102-2410-H-305 -055),2013年8月至2014年7月。
  8. 「國際運輸部門碳排放權交易之經濟影響評估」,國科會100年度補助專題研究計畫(NSC 100-2410-H-305 -066),2011年8月至2012年7月。
  9. 「不完全競爭國際排放交易之最適策略性管制政策」,國科會99年度補助專題研究計畫(NSC 99-2410-H-305-078),2010年8月至2011年7月。
  10. 「不同市場結構下國際排放交易之最適干預及效率損失」,國科會98年度補助專題研究計畫(NSC 98-2410-H-305-051),2009年8月至2010年7月。
  11. 「考量碳減量附屬效益下之國際排放交易最適干預」,國科會97年度補助專題研究計畫(NSC 97-2410-H-305-014),2008年8月至2009年7月。
  12. 「溫室氣體減量成本與國際競爭力:不完全競爭市場下國際排放權交易之意涵」,國科會94年度補助專題研究計畫(NSC 94-2415-H-305-007),2005年8月至2006年7月。
  13. 「矯正能源多重外部性之環境政策工具整合評估模型之建立:兼論氣候變遷政策之從屬效益」,國科會93年度補助專題研究計畫(NSC 93-2415-H-305-007),2004年8月至2005年7月。


  1. 「區域研究及地理學門前瞻學術研究調查計畫」,2022年6月至2022年12月。
  2. 我國科技資源配置效益事前評估模型建置與分析--我國科技資源配置效益事前評估模型建置與分析(2/3)(MOST 110-3011-F-033-001),2022年1月至2022年12月。
  3. 我國科技資源配置效益事前評估模型建置與分析--我國科技資源配置效益事前評估模型建置與分析(1/3)(MOST 110-3011-F-033-001),2021年1月至2021年12月。
  4. 「我國科技政策評估模型建置及科技資源配置分析之研究--我國科技政策評估模型建置及科技資源配置分析之研究」,科技部政策專案計畫(MOST 109-3011-F-033-001),2020年1月至2020年12月。
  5. 「都市因應氣候變遷之綜效、權衡與共效益--都市周邊地區的都市化對因應氣候變遷之綜效、權衡與共效益分析—以台北都會區為例」,科技部補助專題研究計畫(MOST 108-2621-M-305 -003),2019年8月至2020年7月。
  6. 「都市因應氣候變遷之綜效、權衡與共效益--氣候治理政策對農業生產之影響:跨部門及多重空間之綜效、權衡及共效益效果分析」,科技部補助專題研究計畫(MOST 108-2621-M-020 -002),2019年8月至2020年7月。


  1. 總計畫名稱「都市因應全球氣候變遷的人文社會面向研究」(主持人:中研院社會所蕭新煌所長);分支計畫二「因應氣候變遷的都市產業與經濟轉型」(主持人:中研院經濟所彭信坤特聘研究員),2013年1月至2015年12月。


  1. Transnet Port Terminals, South Africa (2008/04-2008/08) Port Economics Study.
  2. Transnet Group, South Africa (2008/10-2009/02) Container Hub Port Study.
  3. Transnet Group, South Africa (2010/09-2011/01) Integrated Pricing Model for Container Port and Rail Transport in South Africa.

Sanxia Campus |Undergraduate, MA, Ph.D.
  • No. 151, University Rd., Sanxia Dist., New Taipei City 237303, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
  • 02-8674-1111 # 67160、67161
  • 02-26739880
  • econ@mail.ntpu.edu.tw
Taipei Campus|Undergraduate (Extension Education)
  • No. 67, Sec. 3, Minsheng E. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104380, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
  • 02-2502-4654 # 18120、18121、18122
  • econ@mail.ntpu.edu.tw
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