Associate Professor, Department of Economics, National Taipei University (2023/02~)
Yen-Chien Chen
Associate Professor
Industrial and Public Economics
Human Capital, Resource, and Environmental Economics
Data Science
Human Capital, Resource, and Environmental Economics
Data Science
Professional Experience
Associate Professor, Department of Economics, National Chi Nan University(Feb. 2016~Jan. 2023)
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, National Chi Nan University (Aug 2009~ Feb. 2016 )
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, National Chi Nan University (Aug 2009~ Feb. 2016 )
PhD, Economics, National Taiwan University, Taiwan (June 2009)
MS, Economics, National Taipei University, Taiwan (June 1998)
BA, Economics, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, (June 1996)
MS, Economics, National Taipei University, Taiwan (June 1998)
BA, Economics, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, (June 1996)
(02)86741111 ext. 67171
Human Capital、Economics of Education、Labor Economics
Journal Articles
- Stacey H. Chen, Yen-Chien Chen and Jin-Tan Liu. (2019 winter). ‘‘The Impact of Family Composition on Educational Achievement’’, Journal of Human Resources, 54(1):122-170. (SSCI,科技部經濟學門評比A+級期刊)
- Chen, Chiang-Ming, Yen-Chien Chen. (January 2018). “Income source effect on retiree’s tourism behavior,” Annals of Tourism Research 68: 4-6 (SSCI, 5-year-IF in 2016=5.544, IF in 2016 =3.194).
- Fan, Elliott, Jin-Tan Liu, and Yen-Chien Chen. (2017 June). “Is the Quarter of Birth Endogenous? New Evidence from Taiwan, the US, and Indonesia”, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 79(6): 1087–1124. (SSCI,科技部經濟學門評比B+級期刊)
- Chen, Chiang-Ming, Yen-Chien Chen, and Yi-Chun Tsai (2016 May). Evaluating Museum Free Admission policy. Annals of Tourism Research, 58:156-159 (SSCI, 5-year- IF in 2015=3.882, 2015 IF=2.275. 在Journal Citation Reports 2015年排序評比:8/44 in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism; 11/142 in Sociology)
- Chen, Stacey H., Yen-Chien Chen, and Jin-Tan Liu. (2009 May). “The Impact of Unexpected Maternal Death on Education – First Evidence from Three National Administrative Data Links’’ American Economic Review, 99(2): 149-153 (AEA Papers and Proceedings, 科技部經濟學門評比Excellent級期刊)
Conference Papers
- Yen-Chien Chen and Jin-Tan Liu* (2016) “Less Parental Resources, Less Possibility to go to College? Effects of Parental Divorce and Job Loss by using Taiwan Administrative Data” Korea and the World Economy 2016 conference,2016年8月, 韓國首爾
- Yen-Chien Chen and Jin-Tan Liu* (2014) “Less Parental Resources, Less Possibility to go to College? Effects of Parental Divorce and Job Loss by using Taiwan Administrative Data” 中研院社會所研討會,2014年7月.
- Yen-Chien Chen and Jin-Tan Liu* (2014) “Less Parental Resources, Less Possibility to go to College? Effects of Parental Divorce and Job Loss by using Taiwan Administrative Data” Korea and the World Economy XIII conference,2014/06,Seoul Korea。
- Yen-Chien Chen and Jin-Tan Liu* (2012) “Parental income shocks and child outcome— Do parental divorce and displacement decrease child education?” 2012 Asia-Pacific Economic Association (APEA) annual meeting, 2012/06, Singapore.
- Stacey H. Chen*, Yen-Chien Chen, Jin-Tan Liu (2011) "Effects of Family Composition on Investment in Human Capital" 2011 Asian Meeting of Econometric Society (AMES),2011/08, Seoul Korea
- Yen-Chien Chen and Jin-Tan Liu* “Do Parental Divorce and Displacement Matter”第十二屆台灣實證經濟研討會,2011/06,清華大學“Separate Effects of Sibling Gender and Family Size on Child’s Cognitive and Noncognitive Outcomes : Methods and First Evidence” 2010 Econometric Society World Congress, 8月中國上海, (with Stacey H. Chen and Jin-Tan Liu and Hsienming Lien).
- “The Effect of Sibling Sex Composition on Women’s Mortality and Education” 2009年台灣經濟計量學會年會,台北台大管理學院(with Stacey H. Chen and Jin-Tan Liu.)
- “ Separate Effects of Sibling Gender and Family Size on Educational Achievements – Method and First Evidence from Population Birth Registry,’’ 第十屆台灣實證經濟研討會2009/5/23,嘉義中正大學 (with Stacey H. Chen and Jin-Tan Liu.)
- “The Impact of Unexpected Maternal Death on Education – First Evidence from Three National Administrative Data Links’’ American Economic Association 2009 Annual Meeting (AEA), January, San Francisco. (with Stacey H. Chen and Jin-Tan Liu).
- Separate Effects of Sibling Gender and Family Size on Educational Achievements – Method and First Evidence from Population Birth Registry,’’ 台灣經濟學會2008年會。(with Stacey H. Chen and Jin-Tan Liu).
- The Impact of Sibling Sex Composition on Educational Attainment: A Unique Natural Experiment by Twins Gender Shocks,” American Economic Association 2008 Annual (AEA). , January, New Orleans (with Stacey H. Chen and Jin-Tan Liu).
- “We Prefer Sons But Does It Matter? Evidence Using Matched Administrative Data from Taiwan,” Society of Labor Economists 2007 Annual Meeting. (with Stacey H. Chen and Jin-Tan Liu).
Technical Reports and Others
Working program:
- “Divorce Effects on Teenagers’ Higher Education – Evidence from One Million Siblings in Taiwan,” with Elliott Fan and Jin-Tan Liu, reviewed by Economic Inquiry.
- “Gender Difference in Divorce Penalty”
- “Climate Risk and Domestic Violence,” with Hsienming Lien and Tse-Chun Lin.
- “Local Female Politicians, Son Preference, and Gender Attitudes,” with Elliott Fan, Yu-Hsin Ho.
- “History of Imperial Examination and Educational Attainment,” with Yu-Hsiang Lei, Pei Gao and Jin-Tan Liu.
- 2010.01.01~2011.09.30, 父母離異以及失業對小孩教育之影響( NSC 99-2410-H260-001-MY2):主持人。
- 2011.08.01~2012.07.31, 科學園區的設立對勞動市場與個人(家庭)所得之影響 (NSC 100-2410-H-260-028-):主持人。
- 2012.08.01~2013.07.31, 兒子比女兒好?-小孩性別對父母親離婚與死亡之影響(NSC 101-2410-H-260-011-):主持人。
- 2013.08.01~2014.07.31, 出生間距與小孩教育成就(NSC 102-2410-H-260 -004 -):主持人。
- 2014.08.01~2015.07.31, 母親教育對生育及小孩教育程度的影響--工具變數法估計(103-2410-H-260 -004 -):主持人。
- 6. 2015.08.01~2017.07.31, 核能風險的溝通,知覺,與風險的價值評估:台灣的實証 (104-2410-H-002 -007 -MY2) :共同主持人。
- 2015.08.01~2016.07.31, 家庭中男孩對女孩的外溢效益--小孩性別(組合)對父母勞動市場表現的影響(104-2410-H-260-003-):主持人。
- 2016.08.01~2017.07.31, 非正式管制對空氣污染排放量的影響(105-2410-H-260 -005 -):主持人。
- 2017.08.01~2018.07.31, 勞退制度改變對家計單位儲蓄之影響(106-2410-H-260 -006 -):主持人。
- 2018.08.01~2020.07.31, 小孩性別對家庭支出及教育表現的影響 (107-2410-H-260 -004 -MY2): 主持人
- 2020.08.01~2022.07.31, 婚姻、科系選擇與男女薪資差異(109-2410-H-260 -030 -MY2) : 主持人
- 2022.08.01~2024.07.31, Covid-19與勞動市場之性別差異 (111-2410-H-260 -018 -MY2)
- 2020. 05 國立暨南國際大學109學年度優良導師
- 2019.12 台灣經濟學會最佳論文獎(‘‘The Impact of Family Composition on Educational Achievement’’)
- 2019.07 國立暨南國際大學108學年度傑出研究獎勵
- 2019.05 國立暨南大學108學年度教學績優獎
- 2009.12 台灣經濟學會實證組最佳博士論文獎