Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Business Development and Policy, Institute of Business Development
Hsiao-Yun Lee
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Finance, Money, and Economic Growth
Industrial and Public Economics
Industrial and Public Economics
Professional Experience
Associate Research Fellow and Group Leader of the Eighth Institute of the Taiwan Economic Research Institute (2016~2020)
Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Business Development and Policy, Institute of Business Development (2020~present)
Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Business Development and Policy, Institute of Business Development (2020~present)
Ph.D., Institute of Economics, National Taiwan University
Microeconomics、International Trade、Industrial Organization
Journal Articles
- Chih-Hai Yang, Hui-Lin Lin, and Hsiao-Yun Li*, 2013, “Influences of production and R&D agglomeration on productivity: Evidence from Chinese electronics firms,” China Economic Review (SSCI, impact factor 1.727), forthcoming.
- James K Cunningham, Russell C Callaghan, Daoqin Tong, Lon-Mu Liu, Hsiao-Yun Li*, and William J Lattyak, 2012, “Changing over-the-counter ephedrine and pseudoephedrine products to prescription only: Impacts on methamphetamine clandestine laboratory seizures,” Drug Alcohol Depend (SSCI, impact factor 3.951), Vol. 126(1), p.55-64.
- Hui-Lin Lin, Hsiao-Yun Li*, and Chih-Hai Yang, 2011, “Agglomeration and Productivity: Firm-level Evidence from China’s Textile Industry,” China Economic Review (SSCI, impact factor 1.727), Vol. 22(3), p.313-329.
- Chih-Hai Yang, Hui-lin Lin, and Hsiao-yun Li*, June 2010, “Do R&D Spinoffs Have a Higher R&D Productivity? Evidence from Taiwanese Electronics Firms,” Industry and Innovation (SSCI, impact factor 0.790), Vol. 17(3), p.285-307.
Conference Papers
- Li Hiaoyun*, December 2016, "Comparison of Taiwan and China's Economic and Trade Investment in ASEAN", Academic Seminar on the Development of ASEAN Economic and Trade and Foreign Investment.
- Li Hiaoyun*, November 2015, "The Impact of Population Aging on the Development of Business Service Industry", Trends, Technology and Innovation of Business Service Industry.
- Li Hiaoyun*, November 2015, "The impact of aging and declining birthrate on the development of commercial service industry", 2015 cross-strait modern service industry cooperation and exchange conference.
- Li Hiaoyun*, November 2015, "The impact of aging and declining birthrate on the development of commercial service industry", seminar on promoting cross-strait cooperation and development of modern commercial service industry, China Institute of International Trade and Economics.
- Li Hiaoyun*, June 2015, "Looking at Business Opportunities from the Development Trend of the Commercial Service Industry", Taiwan Enterprise Bank Counseling Small and Medium Enterprises Tour Explanation Seminar.
- Li Hiaoyun*, May 2015, "Issues of Enterprises' Export Expansion and Regional Economic Integration", a symposium on local key industrial clusters.
- Li Hiaoyun*, November 2014, "Economic and Trade Trends and Export Competitiveness", seminar on building competitiveness in emerging markets.
- Li Hiaoyun*, October 2014, "Economic and Trade Trends and Export Competitiveness", seminar on building competitiveness in emerging markets.
- Liu Fengqi, Li Hiaoyun*, November 2013, "Development Trends of the Commercial Service Industry", 2013 New Trend Achievement Conference on Promoting the Development of the Commercial Service Industry.
- Li Hiaoyun*, Zhan Liyu and Huang Baizhen, May 2011, "Industrial Agglomeration and Performance of China's Electronics Industry - Application of Threshold Model", 2011 4th Seminar on Financial and Economic Competitiveness.
Books and Collected Papers
- Li Hiaoyun*, Peng Yidi and Li Jiawei, 2022, 2022 Business Service Industry Yearbook, Taipei: Department of Commerce, Ministry of Economic Affairs, p.179-205, ISNB: 978-626-35-3031-7.
- Li Hiaoyun*, 2021, 2021 Business Service Industry Yearbook, Taipei: Department of Commerce, Ministry of Economic Affairs, p.122-144, ISNB: 978-957-13-9513-5.
- Li Hiaoyun* and Zhang Jiayu, 2020, Yearbook of Business Service Industry 2020-2021, Taipei: Department of Commerce, Ministry of Economic Affairs, p.126-146, ISNB: 978-957-13-8379-8.
- Li Hiaoyun*, 2019, "Cooperation and Competitiveness Strengthening Policies for South Korea's Overseas Parks", Taiwan Economic Research Monthly, Vol. 42, No. 8.
- Li Hiaoyun* and Tong Yixuan, 2019, "Suggestions on Taiwan's XR Industry Policy", 2017-2018 White Paper on Taiwan's XR Industry, p.67-74.
- Li Hiaoyun*, 2018, "Korean Maker Movement and Policy", Taiwan Economic Research Monthly, Vol. 41, No. 8.
- Li Hiaoyun*, Lin Huiling and Yang Zhihai, 2018, "Comparison of Taiwan and China's Economic and Trade Investment in ASEAN", Economic and Trade Development of ASEAN - Competition and Challenges between Taiwan, Japan and China, National Taiwan University Publishing Center, p.179-228, ISNB : 978-986-350-283-8.
- Li Hiaoyun*, 2018, "Korean Maker Movement and Policy", Taiwan Economic Research Monthly, Vol. 41, No. 8.
- Li Hiaoyun*, 2017, "Exploring the Asia-Pacific Innovation Ecosystem through the Evaluation of the Global Innovation Ecosystem", Taiwan Economic Research Monthly, Vol. 40, No. 8.
- Lin Huiling, Yang Zhihai and Li Hiaoyun*, 2014, "Industrial Agglomeration and Productivity Analysis of Textile Industry in Mainland China", Technology Catch-up and Industrial Development in Mainland China, National Taiwan University Publishing Center, p.147-183, ISNB: 978-986-6377-52 -2.
- Li Hiaoyun*, 2014, 2013 Business Service Industry Yearbook, Taipei: Department of Commerce, Ministry of Economic Affairs, p.81-91, ISNB: 978-986-03-9996-7.
- Li Hiaoyun*, 2012, "Service Innovation Issues", 2012 National Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of China Industry Proposal Book, edited by Lai Rongkun, Taipei: National Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of China, p.64-73.
- Hsiao-yun Li*, 2011, "Industrial Policy, Agglomeration and Productivity in China’s Textile Industry," PhD thesis, National Taiwan University.
- Lin Huiling, Xu Siqin and Li Hiaoyun*, 2009, Taiwanese Businessmen Investing in Mainland China - Celebrity Interviews, INK Printing Literature and Life Magazine Publishing Co., Ltd., p.115-149, ISBN: 978-986-6377-52-5.
Technical Reports and Others
- "Business Service Industry Development Momentum Promotion Plan in 2022", Department of Commerce, Ministry of Economic Affairs, 2021/12.
- "Annual Commercial Service Industry Development Momentum Promotion Plan in 2021", Department of Commerce, Ministry of Economic Affairs, 2021/12.
- "Digital Transformation and Sustainable Development Plan of Cloud Generation Business District in 2021", Ministry of Economic Affairs Small and Medium Enterprise Division, 2021/12.
- "Business District Technology Application Marketing Promotion Plan in 2020", the Small and Medium Enterprise Division of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, 2020/12.
- "Business Service Industry Development Momentum Promotion Plan in 2020", Department of Commerce, Ministry of Economic Affairs, 2020/12.
- "Science Park Innovation Policy Research and Planning in 2019", National Experimental Research Institute, 2019/12.
- "Inventory of supply-side maturity of digital transformation", Information Industry Promotion Association, 2019/12.
- "Research and Analysis on Social Innovation Trends and Strategies in 2019", National Development Council, 2019/6.
- "2017-2018 Global XR Market and Taiwan Industry Development Status Analysis Report", Real Vision Co-creation Co., Ltd., 2019/3.