Section Chief, Securities and Futures Bureau, Financial Supervisory Commission, R.O.C
Hung-Jui Wang
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Finance, Money, and Economic Growth
Professional Experience
Auditor, Securities and Futures Bureau, the Financial Supervisory Commission
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Finance and Banking, Chihlee University of Technology
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Finance and Banking, Chihlee University of Technology
National Yang-ming Chiao-Tung University, Ph.D., Institute of Business Administration
Financial Economics、Economic Development
Journal Articles
- 張振山、王宏瑞(聯絡作者).「公司治理是否影響企業的經營績效?-家族與非家族企業的比較」, 證券市場發展季刊, 第34卷第2期, 頁97–144. (TSSCI).
- 張振山、王宏瑞及李孟哲(民110). 「以『期貨交易資料』作為『情緒指標』之檢驗與評析」, 期貨與選擇權學刊, 第14卷第2期, 頁1–24. (TSSCI)
- 張振山、王宏瑞(聯絡作者)及陳靜芳(民109). 「以歐盟 MiFID 2 探討臺灣證券及期貨市場價格穩定機制之發展方向」, 期貨與選擇權學刊, 第13卷第1期, 頁1–41. (TSSCI,榮獲該期刊2020年度最佳論文獎)
- 陳靜芳、王宏瑞(聯絡作者)及陳重圳 (民104).「從法令規範的角度初探臺灣店頭衍生性金融商品監理制度之發展及政策方向」, 期貨與選擇權學刊, 第8卷第1期, 頁85–120. (TSSCI)
- Cherng G. Ding, Hung-Jui Wang, Meng-Che Lee, Wen-Chi Hung, and Ten-Der Jane (2021). Assessing the reversal of investor sentiment. North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol. 58, 101547 (; SSCI在SJR—Finance領域排名前50%).
- Cherng G. Ding, Hung-Jui Wang, Meng-Che Lee, Wen-Chi Hung, and Chieh- Peng Lin (2014). How does the change in investor sentiment over time affect stock returns? Emerging Markets Finance & Trade, Vol. 50, Supplement 2, 153–167 (SSCI).
- 張振山、王宏瑞(聯絡作者) (民110). 「金融專利與期貨商經營模式的研究」, 期貨與選擇權學刊, 第15卷第2期, 頁39–70. (TSSCI).
- 陳重圳、陳靜芳及王宏瑞(聯絡作者) (民105). 「以歐盟程式交易管制規範初探臺灣期貨市場監理制度的發展方向」, 期貨與選擇權學刊, 第9卷第3期, 頁1–43. (TSSCI, 榮獲2018年第11屆證券暨期貨金椽獎).
- Cherng G. Ding, Wen-Chi Hung, Meng-Che Lee, Hung-Jui Wang (2017). Exploring paper character- ristics that facilitate the knowledge flow from science to technology. Journal of Informetrics., Vol. 11, Issue 1, 244–256 (SSCI,在SJR—Decision Sciences領域排名前25%)
- Wen-Chi Hung, Cherng G. Ding, Hung-Jui Wang, Meng-Che Lee, and Chieh- Peng Lin (2015). Evaluating and comparing the university performance in knowledge utilization for patented inventions. Scientometrics., Vol. 102, Issue 2, 1269–1286. (SSCI,在SJR—Social Sciences(miscellaneous)領域排名前25%)
Conference Papers
Cherng G. Ding, Hung-Jui Wang, Meng-Che Lee, Wen-Chi Hung, and Ten-Der Jane (2012). Measuring the change in investor sentiment over time based on individual stocks. International Conference on Business and Information (BAI 2012), Sapporo, Japan, 2012/7/3 ~2012/7/5. (The best paper award of International Conference on Business and Information, BAI 2012) (研討會論文,榮獲BAI最佳論文獎)
Cherng G. Ding, Wen-Chi Hung, Meng-Che Lee, Hung-Jui Wang (2016). Identifying the paper characteristics that influence the trajectory of the patent-to-paper citation. The 2016 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, USA,2016/8/5~2016/8/9.(研討會論文)